Today was a day I was dreading. Set up for porch sale? Help! I prayed before I got out of bed, asking God to send me help. And he did! Five great friends came to help. I did hear an "Oh, my" occasionally.
Stephanie came from 9:30 until 1PM. She did claim the bag of plastic snakes and a HUGE spider. Stay away from Steph!
Joyce, Ginger and Steph
Pattie and Luke
At one point another friend stopped by and said she thinks the sale was not advertised properly in the paper. I had programmed an ad on line. In the paper it claimed a garage sale at 214th Ave. There is no such place in Park Falls. I called in the afternoon and complained. They will either run the ad again next week or give me a refund. I may have the sale next weekend also if things don't sell well this week--or I find more things to put out.
Later in the day I left my mark around town. Hopefully it was enough to bring in the crowds tomorrow. I didn't know how to secure the large signs. Then I thought to take wire hangers, straighten the hook and duct tape them to the back of the sign. Yeah! Sharp points to stick into the ground.
This has been a good "get ready for a porch sale" day in the life of Grandma G.
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." (Proverbs 17:17)
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