During the ride home on Saturday my throat was a little sore. By evening at home I was a bit stuffy and achy. And so I have been the past 3 days. Evidently I picked up a virus out in them there hills. Sunday was a good day to rest. I did need to get a few things from the grocery, so also picked up the movie, We Bought a Zoo. I highly recommend it. True story. Great entertainment.
Monday, July 2....
Cool Dude!
Mom Angie
Cousin Zach
Tuesday.....another HOT day. Time to get back into routine....like locking house and car keys IN my house! That's not really routine, but it has happened before. Fortunately my sister-in-law lives 2 blocks away AND she has a key AND it wasn't raining AND she was home for lunch AND I was able to walk over AND get HER key to MY house.
I needed to order a supply of eucalyptus tea bags. I use the tea to relieve congestion. It is difficult to find here in the north woods. There was a brand I used to buy in a local health foods store, but it was discontinued, so now it is online shopping for me. Should be an easy task, right? I do know the brand I like--just google it, right? Find a supplier and order it, right? Give them my cc number, right? The teas bags will be on their way, right? WRONG. What ensued was 2 hours of frustration. I found the brand and it's catalog. Oops, they only sell to retailers. (They did give great reviews of their products. You just can't buy them.) Found a store that sells it. Great catalog, but it isn't complete yet. Please fill in all your info and they will inform me when they are ready for business. Found another store that sells it. This one was set for sells. Payment was the problem. They wanted Paypal or delayed pay arrangements. OK. How about DPA. Fill in all your info and they will let me know in 3-5 days if I am approved. (I only have 5 tea bags left and also have congestion.) OK. Years ago I had a Paypal account. Guess I can refresh that. Did that after several tries. Needed to change address and phone number....page kept locking up. Now they need a cc number to "back up" the Paypal account. Go find my purse and get the info. Yeah! Fresh boxes of eucalyptus tea bags are on the way to my house.....unless I put a wrong number in somewhere.(Sorry, folks, about the white background. I don't know how to get rid of it and I don't know
how it got there. I'm still learning.)
Let's cheer for Mt. Rushmore! I met up with 2 young piano students
who were at Mt. Rushmore last summer. We had a great time sharing
This has been a good 3 "getting back into routine" days in the life of Grandma G.
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
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