Banff is THE destination of our upcoming 3 senior sisters--and a niece?--cross country road trip. My youngest sister has long desired to visit there. Another purpose of mine is that our dad wanted to retire in Canada but never made it. We are going to pose on a mountain peak (or hill) and snap a photo in his memory. Here's to Pop!! Anyway, there are fun outdoor activities to do in the Canadian Rockies!
I did receive an email from cdbaby stating they received my CD and that it will be ready for downloads in 5-7 days. Sorry, folks. Geoschmidt music should be ready to purchase in one more week!
There were reminders of our city wide road construction.
Kids were enjoying the St. Anthony's "Garden of Eat-un" while their moms were enjoying working the Garden of Eat-un.
St. Anthony's elementary school is where both Louie and I attended school, our 7 kids attended school and now where 2 of our grand kids attend school. The phrase on the front of the building has the old English that states, "Suffer the children to come unto me". During our school years we thought we did a lot of "suffering".
This afternoon I determined to get 4 hours of sorting and packing done. That I did, but also have discovered afternoon TV now that I am a stay at home in the afternoon person. Fortunately the only program I like is Wind at My Back and it is just in time for lunch break!
The gentleman who is going to rent this house after I leave stopped in for a walk through. Seems it's a good indication that it is time for this renter to be moving on.
Organizing the notebooks was a great project this evening while watching the final episode of Deadliest Catch. Rough language, but rough job and good character study.
This has been a good productive day in the life of Grandma G.
"The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." (Proverbs 13:3)
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