Since returning home from Wisconsin on Sat. Oct. 10, local adventures seemed to proceed nonstop.
On Sunday my pastor graciously modeled the cheesehead he requested I get him from Wisconsin.....
Go Packers....
That afternoon my friend, Jo, called to ask if I was still going to the dinner Monday evening. Could I give a couple ladies a ride? Oops, short term memory flareup. I forgot that she had invited me to a free dinner to listen to a chiropractor discuss healthy living. There seems to be a certain appeal about the word "free". Giving a ride to others is new to me but I have been in the area before so I agreed.
pasta in creamed garlic sauce....
Jo, 99 year old Hazel, we 3 in the back..
Hazel is a poet and has composed several poems from her many years of Pacific Northwest living. In this picture she is reciting one describing hiking down Mt. Rainier. Jo is working to compile her poems into a collection. I am eager to get a copy.
So....once back home I start to reassess my thoughts of an evaluation....the drive there isn't real long, but not near either. I am already established with a chiropractor here in my neighborhood.
Why complicate life more than it is. But I already paid out $20.
But there are other possible activities on Wed. OH, MY ....what to do, what to about canceling? OK....that I did. Sounds like there is potential credit towards something. Even if not, $20 is what I would pay for a good dinner and evening out with friends, not to mention meeting poet Hazel.
Simple is good.
Why is it so complicated
to get simple?
Tuesday morning it was back to water aerobics...then to Freddy's for groceries.
About 4:45 I headed out to a new location to meet church members for a trip to downtown Vancouver. We were going to meet another group who, once a month, delivers food, clothing and misc. to the homeless population in this area.
It was packing up supplies and pooling rides to downtown. A lady friend drove my vehicle (I don't drive the Interstate yet.)
This is a new experience for me. There are not many homeless folks in northern Wisconsin. This was also the first time our church has participated in this outreach.
Wednesday was the afternoon to go watch grandson Jake play football...the sun was warm and it is the PNW, so I wore shorts, but did take along a sweatshirt and jacket.
Angie and I gave Bentley a back seat ride so he could hang his head out the window.....until we went faster than 30 mph.
Jake's fans
Bentley, Angie, Micki, Grandma Carole, Gram G
The afternoon warmth gave way to very chilly winds and I covered my legs with the sweatshirt and wore the jacket. What happened to the mild PNW autumn?

As we watched the game we would hear from a group of fans (other team) yell, "Watch out for # 11!" #11 is who WE were there to watch....grandson Jake.....made a touchdown.....
Autumn in Wisconsin....
geese leave...
Autumn in Washington....
geese return.....
And the plethora of local adventures continues.....
Soon....the rest of the story.....
This has been a good 4 "plethora" days in the life of Grandma G.
"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done." (Proverbs 19:17)
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