The following post happened two weeks ago. ( I have been having such fun with recent social interactions that I am too tired to blog in an orderly fashion.)
But you don't want to miss this one.....
She Could Have Danced......
...Almost the whole 2 hours...
AKA....a matter of misinterpretation...
Earlier in the week, while we were relaxing in the hot tub after water aerobics, Julienne invited a few of us ladies to join her to listen to a piano player at the senior center on Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4. (A cost of $4, but free coffee and donuts included.)
I responded I would like to, though I will probably be jealous that he plays piano better than me. Nancy and Georgia (the other Georgia) wanted to go also. We agreed that morning that I would drive Nancy and Georgia, then we would meet Julienne there since she was already in the area for church.
Skip ahead to Sunday.....
I was up early (for me) to get to my church service by 9:15 so we could have worship team practice with our new worship leader. That all went well and our service proceeded on from 11:15 until 12:45. I usually stay around and chat awhile. However, this day I had a commitment so headed out right away.
I got home and had about 10 minutes to grab some tea before picking up the ladies. I stopped by Jo's house, but all seemed quiet so I drove around the corner to Nancy's and got her. As she was getting in Ted (my little SUV) I told her that Jo didn't seem to be ready. So Nancy called Jo to see if she was ready. For what? Jo replies. For the piano concert at the Luepke Center. Oh, says Jo. I didn't know about it but I will ready in a few.
Nancy and I figure Jo simply forgot. We pick her up and off we go for a 20 minute ride to the center.
While we are driving along and conversing about many trivial, yet important matters, Nancy says....well who did we forget? You were going to pick up 2 ladies and that didn't include Jo. Oh, now I am concerned. We are half way to our destination and someone is waiting at home for a ride that will never happen. I think back on the week and envision various scenarios, but can't come up with a missing face. Nancy says the discussion was at water aerobics, so she had to be someone there. Jo hasn't been going to aerobics. Suddenly Nancy says, Georgia! I respond, what?! No, says Nancy. Georgia T. Oh....that Georgia. Yes, I can see it now....the three of us in the hot tub and me agreeing to drive Nancy and the other Georgia. what? Nancy tries calling her but the call won't go through.
Now we are at the Luepke Center and I call Georgia on my phone. She answers, Who is this!? I say, Georgia, the other one.
I'm sorry but we forgot to pick you up for the concert. Oh, that's OK, she responds, I've only been home for 10 minutes, we had a speaker at church and the service ran late. Catch you next time....
Yay....that one resolved....
Once inside we pay our $4.00, see tables set up and spot Juienne with 2 other ladies. We go over to sit, meet Juienne's friend who is now our friend also. The 3rd lady left....a bit annoyed we chose that table to share.
Turns out that the piano concert is actually a dance with music provided by Charles and His Angels. Charles plays a 2 level keyboard and has 3 ladies who sing and play tambourine. He plays a variety of "oldies" while the couples have fun dancing.
5 ladies and no gentlemen. Looking around, I spot only 2 or 3 guys that seem to be loners. With the first dance they are swept out onto the dance floor, but not by us.
Seems I was vocally expressing my frustration and desire to get dancing cause before long a lady comes along with a gentleman who is interested in dancing. His name is Desi. Oh, I guess I need to dance, but forgot how to "2 step". Where is the polka or waltz? (I haven't danced in years, except for a partial polka a few weeks back.)
Desi and I danced away into the night.....I mean...the mid- afternoon. Danced most of the 2 hours, we did. He danced one with Nancy and one with Jo.
We didn't exchange much social info but I did ask his nationality. The name, Desi, seemed to me to be of Latin origin. He said he moved to
Los Angeles from Hungary many years back.
Charles and Nancy...
Sunday Fun.....
The Sunday afternoon dance must draw the same crowd from week to week. We were greeted with, "We see some fresh faces here", referring to our table.
Soon 4PM rolled around. Our table was the last to clear out after visiting with Charles a bit.
Desi and I exchanged phone numbers. The story to be continued.....
We 3 ladies headed home after a stop for a snack.
Fun was had by all......except Georgia....the other one.....
The story continued......
When the dance ended on Sunday Desi says, "I like you".
Come Monday I was totally tired from dancing for 2 hours.
On Tuesday Desi called to invite me out for dinner. I accepted. He greeted me with a dozen roses and we went to a local restaurant. We had a nice, cordial visit. He is 78, first wife died of an aneurysm 8 years ago. He remarried and since divorced. He is lonely and looking for a close relationship.
On Wednesday late in the afternoon he left a message to see if I wanted to go somewhere with him that evening. I did what any unsure, polite lady would do. I ignored the message.
I have not heard from him, other than last Sunday's dance report from the ladies that he was at the dance and dancing the 2 hours away with various dance partners.
I have concluded that for the moment I am content as I am; not ready to add a gentleman into the mixture of life.
Ah.....the sweetness of autumn romance!
This has been a good 2 "she could have" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to lone one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." (Romans 13: 8)
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