We arrive at the Portland airport for a 5:20 flight.
Gram G and daughter, Debbie, flying to Milwaukee, WI through Phoenix, AZ.
Trees in Phoenix
The souvenir I didn't buy
Approaching Milwaukee, WI
late afternoon.....
late afternoon.....
Time for a Sat. afternoon grandson,Ryan, football game.....
Why Gram G moved to Washington.. Oct. 3......
Chilled to the bones.....
Chilled to the bones.....
Daughter, Angie, invested 26 years in the Wisconsin National Guard....
from 17 year old Pvt. Schmidt to Captain VanElls
A young Pvt. Schmidt
with dad and mom....25 years ago.....

She played oboe, tenor sax and sang with the 132nd army band for 18 years.
She enrolled in officer training school and then served as captain with a nursing unit for 7 years.
Sisters, Debbie and Angie, prepping for the retirement party.
Ryan and Austin
We love you!

You are an
Sunday it was on to a 250 miles ride north to Park Falls for Grandma G.....(Deb flew home from Milwaukee
The cream colored rectangular building on the right is the first dwelling I was in when I came to Park Falls 60 years ago. It was the home of my uncle's parents, and apartments.
A visit to the homestead.....
Up North...
The Schmidthouse on Evergreen St.
Visiting with Papa Lou
when we get the call that
baby Berklee Evergreen has been born in San Diego.....
Oct. 5, 2015
Both mom and dad, Amanda and Bill, grew up on
Evergreen St. (in different cities)
This has been a good 6 American Hero days in the life of Grandma G.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)
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