I have been blogging for almost 4 years and this is the GREATEST yet!
I could hardly believe it when it was rumored that Frodo Baggins was going to be flying through PDX on his way to San Diego for official business on
Sat. Oct. 31. I was also on my way to San Diego that day. Might he be on the same flight with me?? Well, it was just a rumor....but, still.....one could hope.
As soon as my ride parked and we walked out from the garage I started glancing around. Maybe, just maybe........
As we walked across the access bridge I spotted a smallish figure wistfully looking around.
I think he was taking in his surroundings...maybe comparing the greenery to The Shire he left so many years ago. I wondered what his thoughts were.
Once again before he entered the terminal he paused and looked around. Probably intrigued with modern day travel provisions.
I stayed somewhat back. I wanted to get pictures, but didn't want to make that obvious or to make him feel uncomfortable. He was traveling alone and probably simply wanted to blend in.
Inside I saw him talking briefly to airport workers, then they all chuckling as he looked at his feet. I hoped they weren't making rude remarks.
He met up with a couple locals, had a meal with them and even consented to a photo with them!!
(At the time I didn't know that he would grant me an interview a few days later in San Diego. Then I learned they are his blood descendants living in Vancouver, WA. What a legacy!!)
At this point it is probably easiest to print out the interview to tell the rest of the story.
Mr. Baggins, what brings you to Upper Earth after all these hundreds of years where you have been dwelling in Elysium?
Please, Grandma G, call me Frodo. This is a relaxed visit, though official. I am here on behalf of King Aragorn of Middle Earth to welcome a new royal princess born in San Diego, who happens to be a blood descendant of mine. This is a rare occasion for me to return from Elysium to visit Middle Earth and my first time to experience Upper Earth.
Well, tell me, Frodo, how was your journey from Portland to San Diego?
Travel was much easier and totally more enjoyable than my last journey from The Shire to Mordor. Just no comparison. Air flight is such an improvement over walking and horse riding for miles and miles through mountains, caves, haunted swamps and fiery volcanoes.
(He continued as he talked at length about his time in the Portland airport.)
I was startled, but later laughed, when I went to "check my bag". The young worker shook his head and declared my suitcase was just TOO new. (I had purchased it the day before.) That it was too clean and the scanners could not pick up the weight. (I was concerned that I had caused a security breech of some sort.) He said I had to take it outside and roll it around in the dirt. When he saw my alarm he laughed and said he was joking. I was relieved and laughed too.
At one point a couple airport workers looked at my feet and declared I need to wear shoes in the facility. When I looked confused and showed them the black hard bottoms of my feet they chuckled and let me go on.
On the whole most travelers and workers did not seem surprised to see me. I had heard that Portland, OR was used to the unusual and accepted that as normal. In fact, I understand that they pride themselves on "the weird" . (Confidentially, Grandma G, that is why I picked PDX as my port of entrance.....less chance being singled out. And the opportunity to visit with my blood descendants was priceless!)
Mr. Baggins....I mean, Frodo, how was your experience going through TSA security?
You know, Grandma G, that went smoothly. The officer at first looked concerned, then amused and finally impressed as she checked all my documents. I was allowed to pass through "prescreened" . Must have been some diplomatic agreement.
I waved goodbye to my progeny and excitedly headed to the aircraft.
On board his first aircraft flight......
( A little blurb about MY time on the flight. As I boarded I noticed that Mr. Baggins had a window seat. There was a passenger in the aisle seat....the middle was EMPTY. For a brief moment I considered sitting next to him. But I would be beside myself..... So, decided not to. I did sit close enough to sneak a few photos.)
Frodo, I continued, how did you enjoy your first air transport?
It was totally enjoyable...for the most part. Ascending from Portland was fun. The surroundings with the rain and clouds reminded me SO much of The Shire in autumn. (Made me feel wistful, lonesome and grateful all at the same time.)
Once we "reached cruising altitude" we were allowed to watch entertainment. I had obtained a copy of a movie based on historical events involving ME. It was "weird" to relive those challenging months when I was assigned to destroy the ring.
I felt some PTS as I watched the shadow trying to overtake me.
Frodo continued....
One incident happened when an attendant told me I couldn't use "electronics" without something called headphones....little nobs one plugs in one's ears. I told her I didn't have any. She nicely said she would check if there were any on board. I was concerned about pay since we don't use money. She came back and simply handed them to me.
(At this point I snapped a few photos. I think Frodo caught on cause he appeared a bit annoyed and serious. Just had to catch a picture of his feet....)
So, Frodo, how was your arrival in San Diego? Was it all you hope it would be?
Grandma G, the view of the Pacific Ocean, the sunshine and blue skies was fantastic. It almost paralleled the beauty of Elysium! Once on the ground and out of the airport, the total blue sky, warm (almost hot) air was refreshing. Late someone told me the unusual looking trees were called "palm trees". My ride arrived in a timely fashion and snapped a souvenir (for me) photo with the airport in the background.
I was keen on meeting our new royal princess. That was the goal of my diplomatic mission (besides "hanging out" with more blood progeny).
But, you know, Grandma G, I had a bit of a shock at first. (I don't always understand earth amusement and humor.)
The royal parents laughed and assured me it was only clothing to make her look cute. Relieved, I was!
Then totally satisfied to finally hold and officially welcome...
Berklee Evergreen KingSchmidt....
She put a huge smile on my face....
The Royal Family.....
Amanda, William, Princess Berklee
As Frodo and I continued our interview in the San Diego airport I learned a little more of his visit here. At this time I was waiting for my flight back to Portland. He didn't volunteer to tell me where he was heading. Security concerns, I suppose. I had a few more questions for him.
Frodo, what else did you do while here in San Diego? Can you share that with me?
Grandma G, I actually have other blood progeny here a little north of San Diego. I was granted a few extra days to visit with them and to enjoy the beach. This was great time, but I certainly wondered about my descendants. They seem to be a bit unusual. I don't understand where this deviation came from.

Mad Hatter
Hashtag:Zombie Prom Queen

Flintstones Family....
There was also something peculiar about the 25 hour day. I thought earth days were 24 hours.
It must be something about this time of year on earth. Perhaps next time I will visit in the springtime.
Frodo, this has been a marvelous opportunity for me. I do confess that I am a fond admirer of you and all things Hobbit. In fact my yard at home is designed to be a hobbit village. I am having a formal Hobbit party soon. May I be so bold as to invite you to come?
Thank you, Grandma G! I am flattered that you want me to attend. I will seek permission to again visit here on Upper Earth and will hopefully enjoy your party.
Thank YOU, Frodo, for this wonderful interview. It will be the highlight of my career for a very, very long time.
This has been a good "Frodo interview" day in the life of Grandma G.
"A cheerful heart is good medicine..." (Proverbs 17:22)
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