It is also the opportunity to draw the only piece of art I learned in grade school, though then the turkeys were more carefully drawn and colorful..
Gram G in middle bottom
purple and white
surrounded by her
19 grand kid big and
little acorns...
Monday afternoon and evening we were happy to visit with Burt from Wisconsin while he was on a business trip in Portland. Poor Burt flies so much he often has to sit in first class.
Siblings Deb and Burt, grandson Jake, son-in-law Keys.....
Jake's poster showing the military heritage of both sides of his family.
Thanksgiving morning dawned sunny and chilly....
A great morning to turn on the New York Macy's Parade....
Then get out the Indiana corn meal to make corn bread...
Spring Mill
State Park early summer with some of my family
Betsy, Stephanie, Kate....
The dried corn is ground by a huge stone powered by a waterwheel with water flowing from an upper stream.
While the bread was baking it was time to call my Indiana family and gobble at them....I mean, wish them Happy Thanksgiving.
Early afternoon it was time to pack up pies and head to Debbie's.
"She'll be com'in round the mountain when she comes..."
"She'll be driving six white horses when she comes...."
well, across town driving a small white SUV....but she's a-coming..
Why is there a slice of pie missing? Glad you asked. Wednesday afternoon and evening I had a bake-a-pie-athon....2 frozen and 2 homemade. To help pass the time I watched 5 hours of digitally colored Gone With the Wind. That alone is excuse enough to mindlessly slice and gobble down a piece of Marionberry pie. (Had to make sure it was OK for family or if I needed to leave it home to eat by myself.) The movie, you ask? Glad you asked. I had never watched the entire movie, but though it may have been exquisite in 1939, it is quite a hoot now.
"Black Friday" also dawned sunny and chilly. I had talked with Jake about maybe coming over to help me with various chores. But come 9:30 I decided to do the Black Friday gig at Fred Meyers. There were a few sell items I really wanted to get.
Oh My!! I drove around their 3 sided parking lot for 10 minutes looking for a parking spot. EVERYONE was taken. With each turn through a lane I told myself to go home. But did I listen? No Way. It is BLACK FRIDAY....finally after sitting in a jam (traffic, not fruit) for a few minutes I waited behind a car just pulling out and pulled in. Yeah!! SHOPPING....
Half price socks is Freddy's big thing each year. I remember sorting through them for a long time last year. Not gonna do it this year....on to the garden decor and Christmas trimmings and 2 new stool/chairs for my newly repainted front deck. All those special sales end at 1PM.
It must be the allure of "bargains" cause so many items were calling out to me...."buy me, buy me"... It was the same refrain I heard on Tuesday when I went grocery shopping. So many good buys.
After procuring the pre 1PM sales and hauling them to the car I want back...yes, went back in for a snack and more shopping. At one point I realized I was aimlessly wandering around the store. It was time to tell my brain to focus, get through the check out and GO HOME. This time I listened.
My suggestion to anyone concerned. If ever you can't find me, check Orchard's Fred Meyers. See if there is a lady wandering aimlessly through the store, muttering "bargains, bargains". She will probably be wearing a red jacket. Check the pocket, there's most likely a camera or two ready for action.
That officially ends the Thanksgiving holiday. With an abrupt turn the Christmas season is upon us. Tomorrow (a few hours from now) I will pick up Jake and we will have a good, productive afternoon of outside work.
Hopefully Saturday will dawn sunny and chilly...with the chilly warming up by late morning.
This has been a good 5 Thanksgiving days in the life of Grandma G.
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." (Psalms 100:4 &5)
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