Grandma G attends the....
Angie and Grandma G
The TSO is a several piece pop/rock, prog-rock symphony orchestra combined with laser light show and pyrotechnics featuring mostly a Christmas story, though they have expanded lately. It dates back to 1993 with Paul O'Neill. In his words.
In the 1980s I was fortunate enough to have visited Russia. If anyone has ever seen Siberia, it is incredibly beautiful but incredibly harsh and unforgiving as well. The one thing that everyone who lives there has in common that runs across it in relative safety is the Trans-Siberian Railway. Life, too, can be incredibly beautiful but also incredibly harsh and unforgiving, and the one thing that we all have in common that runs across it in relative safety is music. It was a little bit overly philosophical, but it sounded different, and I like the initials, TSO.[17] (Wikipedia)
Enjoy a few photos of the light show
Sorry, no rock music to go with it.....
Inside the Moda Center Before Concert....
A Bit of flames toward the end.....
A local Portland street performer.....
Sounded good on his custom drums.......
TSO is on our to do list for next year and every year we can!!
The most significant delay for me in attending TSO happened shortly before Christmas in 2011. I was still living in WI. I had made arrangements for an inexpensive flight from Rhinelander (about 60 miles from Park Falls) for about an hour's flight to Milwaukee. Chuck would pick me up about 5:30 for a quick dinner and then onto the TSO concert where we would meet more of my family. I would stay a few days for a visit then on to Indianapolis for Christmas.
The weather "up north" had been blustery all week. I think it was a Thursday for the flight. On Wed. the weather forecast was for cold but "OK" for travel. Come Thursday the snow and wind picked up. I still went to Rhinelander (don't remember who drove me)---the storm was to pass by mid afternoon. The flight was about 4:30. The storm was not passing. It intensified as the hours went by. (These were the days of "puddle jumpers", 28 passengers.) At 4:30 the flight was cancelled--nothing in or out until the morning. BUMMER....somehow I got a ride to a nearby motel which I had to pay for. My daughter-in-law's mom was able to go at short notice so she used my ticket. Me? I hung out at the motel, periodically crying, bewailing my ill-fate.
Early next morning the air was cold but clear. The flight took off at 7 AM and landed calmly in Milwaukee.
When I asked how was the concert, my kids all agreed it was no good; that I didn't miss anything. To this day I don't believe them.
This has been a good TSO day in the life of Grandma G.
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12)
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