I stayed up to adult weekend hours last night.....went to bed at 2 AM Saturday. Had to catch up on blogging. The unfortunate part was waking up at 8 and not getting back to sleep. I did lay there but a head and neck ache were annoying. The day was forecast to be sunny and a bit mild. I was to get Jake at 11 for a few hours work. It took a bunch of talk to myself and God to get me out of bed and enthused for the day.....
Hopefully we did it correctly and there will be fresh stems and roses come spring. Did you notice the small buds? In Nov?
Jake straightened out the decorative "ribbon" and hung it. I tried out lights that didn't work then decided on the red ones that have been on the tree the past couple years.
Shortly I had Jake carry in from the car 2 chair/stools that I bought the day before. The problem is they are boxed and needed to be assembled. As he did that I returned outdoors to twist lights around the railing of the porch. The longer I worked the colder and stronger the wind became. Soon it felt like a "nor'easter" pushing through. I think it will be recorded as one of the colder winter days out here. (Gonna go down to 25 degrees tonight.)
All too soon it was time for Jake to leave and head out for another Thanksgiving meal. Gram G grateful for what was done.
I have a "picture perfect" porch planned in my head for the Christmas season. With a freshly painted deck floor and just right accessories my porch should be transformed into a Pacific Northwest welcoming scene that would be envied by any holiday magazine. Oh, Yah.....
It's even sweeter since last year I had a few decorations up outside but nothing inside, not even a tree. Don't remember why but must have been pressed for time. I'll have to read blogs from those days to see what was going on.
By 4 PM it was time to heat up a plateful of leftover turkey fixings, text a bit and give in to a NAP. I seldom take naps, but when I do they are wonderful. Seem to have a different style of dreams during that time....usually trying to get something done.
And all that texting? Well.....there is a Mexican vacation being planned for the late winter months. Daughters,Angie and Debbie, are taking their boys and have invited mom to go along...
Time to fill up my 70th B-day year travel calendar....
turkey, brown rice, veggie soup.....yummy....
Sort of....
My 3 year old Christmas cactus knows Christmas is near....
Sunday morning was a balmy 21 degrees...brrrr...for out here.
Sunny, though. Off to church and then a FUN, FUN, evening coming up for Grandma G and Angie Miller.....you'll have to check back soon to find out what.....Oh, Yah....
I observed someone from Guernsey clicked onto my blog yesterday. I admit I did not know where Guernsey is....Angie Miller did, though, since her trip to England/Ireland last summer. To date there have been 79 countries that have checked me out. Check out Grandma G. I'll list your country's name if it is number 80!! Imaginary prize!!
This has been a good 2 transitions days in the life of Grandma G.
"Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth." (Psalms 57:5)
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