Christian soul music.
Undaunted is a three lady group who write and arrange their own music.
Grandma G, Robin, Barbara.....enjoying the rhythms, harmonies,words, lights and message of the evening.
This was another milestone for venture out after dark and pretty sure I know where I am going in Vancouver.....
What's that got to do with the color of music you ask? Well, since you asked....I played pre-dinner music at the clubhouse while folks were bringing in food and finding places to sit. It was a simple medley of folk and patriotic songs, including "Over the River", "Turkey Trot", "America", "God bless America" and "Thank We all Our God".
Of course, these elders were SO loud in conversing I don't know how much music was heard....good way to mask over wrong notes since I played without music and sometimes notes go awry.....
I have concluded there is not much Thanksgiving music to be had. But, I have not gone looking for CDs featuring this holiday. I think it would be great fun to compile a CD of Thanksgiving songs. I just happen to have a new little ditty titled "Pumpkin Pie". Maybe next year! Goals, Goals, Goals!!
I did have fun right before eating. Our manager guy in charge of the meal had me "make a lot of loud noise" on the piano to get people's attention. Had to repeat 3 times!!
I was grateful to be sitting between 2 good lady added bonus.. our table drew the card for the first table in the food line....
After dinner I talked with 2 other lady friends and told them how nice it is this year to have good friends to visit with and to know that I am loved by them....Happy Thanksgiving!!
Then it was time to go home, veg in front of the TV, watching travel programs and eating pumpkin pie before going to bed....
A day bringing 6 hours of singing....
And, peeking through my drapes, seeing this out my deck window at 8:15 AM...more on that next blog....
By 9 I was driving to church....worship team practice for an hour.... singing and service for almost 2 hours. Home for a couple hours to eat turkey dinner leftovers, take out the garbage and then finding my way to a friendly Lutheran church. We were having a song and praise service that evening. Practice at 4 PM, service at 6.
Our team of 9...4 musicians,
5 singers....7 guys, 2 ladies....
8 songs for about 75 minutes...
about 40 people attended....
A wonderful service...
A rewarding experience for me...
Friends who attended
Kahana, Gram G, Carole, Frank
This has been a good 3 "bring on the music" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live." (Psalms 146: 1 & 2)
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