Well, it WAS a fun week until something abruptly happened on Blogger and 5 hours of work was GONE, just plain GONE....
With much dismay I will see how quickly I can redo it. I am totally spaced out what happened?????
On with the FUN.
Wednesday, Jan 27 was Gemma's 9th B-day. She was born with a disconnected esophagus and laryngeal cleft so liquids would seep into her lungs. She spent her first month of life in the neonatal unit and endured several surgeries her first year while being fed with a feeding tube in her stomach.
Meeting Grandma G for the first time at 2 months old.

Kahana ordered strawberry/guava drink
I ordered POG..
passionfruit/orange/guava juice
POG is a tropical juice drink created in 1971 by a food product consultant named Mary Soon who worked for Haleakala Dairy on Maui, Hawaii. It consists of a blend of juices from passionfruit, orange, and guava (hence POG).
POG is produced by Meadow Gold Dairy, a subsidiary of Dean Foods.
She had loco moco....
large bowl of rice topped with a hamburger patter, fried egg and lots of brown gravy.
Comfort Food
Hawaiian version of Midwest mashed potatoes, pot roast and lots of gravy...Oh Ya!
The small blue dish has kimchi....fermented cabbage with a spicy sauce.....
TOO spicy for me
I had Kuala pork with yakisoba noodles
A painted coconut
A man's necklace of Kukui nuts
Hula Boy restaurant is a one mile walk from my house, SO....
when my Indiana sisters come to visit later in the summer we can hula there and back.
New favorite recipe.
My friend, Jo, knit her own hat..
figuring out the pattern as she went..
After a good brunch and a long sit, with the rain changing to sunshine, it was time for a walk. I strolled around the park then decided to walk to Fourth Plaine intersection about a mile up the road.
A fun surprise visit from Deb and Micaela.
Smiles from baby Berklee!
Friday morning I enjoyed a 30 minute Face Book phone call from a young lady friend who has recently moved out of the country to live for a long while.
This was my first such phone chat. Great fun and satisfaction to be able to communicate this way!
Saturday Gerry completed the Spartan Race for the first of his Rady's Children's Hospital fund raiser goal of $25,000 by the end of the year.

taking a break

stats for the day...
Click on link for more information.
I spent most of my Saturday after water aerobics working on a previous version of this post that was abruptly wiped out. But I will not dwell on that. Did other fun things like laundry, cooking, and cleaning out heaps of paper stuff caused by our "paperless" society.
Then set in front of the TV watching a movie and peeking in on our absurd presidential campaign..and that is all I'll say about that.
Count down to my SURPRISE TRIP...Oh Ya!!
This has been a good "fun" week in the life of Grandma G.
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalms 37:3 & 4)
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