Lady number ONE.....
Miss Berklee enjoying time at the San Diego beach......
This has been a week of great variety. Sunday afternoon I enjoyed a chilly half hour walk around the park.
Someone either had too much fun on New Year's Eve or slid on the ice Jan 3 while coming or going.....
Having watched the 3 movies of the Lord of the Rings recently I figured reviewing the Hobbit movies would be appropriate on these rainy January evenings. So I did the first one Sunday evening. I may have continued except that I did not own the second one. (Though I do have the third one....something about what was on sale a particular day.)
Rainy Monday shopping challenge:
Taking the "Safeway Challenge". Occasionally the local grocery store chain offers a $10 off coupon on one's $50 or more purchase. I like to see how close I can come to $50 including other coupons and not buying what I don't need. Monday was the day. I ended up paying $48 for almost $80 worth of household needs, groceries and a free movie coupon included. Yeah!!
Earlier I tried to return a number of inexpensive decorations to a dollar store. I had the receipt but was unaware of their "exchange only" policy. With these being seasonal items they would honor only half price. Bummer. Now what? I looked around the store and saw 50 % off gift wrap and ornaments. SO.....exchanges even up....enough wrapping paper for the next 3 years.
Needed also to stop at another store to buy the 2nd Hobbit movie...
With the rain continuing into the evening it was time to put in the next Hobbit movie. This night that included movie # 3.
If the day comes when you can't find Grandma G I suggest you find a Hobbit vortex into Middle Earth, poke your head in, give a yahoo and figure that is where she is. YAHOO!!
The drawback to movie watching is that when one is also needing to do computer work, its the computer work that gets slow and sloppy. I had the goal to get the family calendar finished by midnight Wednesday to get a good sale price they had. Rather difficult to keep up the concentration, but progress was made.
There was only one mishap later when returning home. Following directions was fine. When I got to one of the main streets, the intersection was not well lit, but I turned left like I suppose to. I was glad the traffic was light. It was strange that someone was blaring on his horn. And kept it up. There was an odd arrangement of lights coming towards me on the opposite lane. It was a man on a bike with both the bike and the man's hat having lights. It was at that point that I could see the reason for the long horn blaring....I had turned onto the right lane of 2 lines going the opposite direction. Oops. Doubly glad for the light flow of traffic and the close by intersection to get to the proper lanes.....
Once back home, I was happy to veg in front of the TV and again work on the family calendar.
I was home for a couple hours. Time to turn on the TV while working on the family calendar.....Wednesday midnight deadline still seemed possible.
OOPS.....with the calendar half way programmed (about 6 hours worth) I decided to try out different background patterns. OOPS....after checking a few I decided to keep the one I started with. OOPS....all the pictures, except for a few random ones were GONE...just plain GONE...GONE the enthusiasm and patience....guess I'll forget the midnight finish deadline.
Thursday passed as a "normal" day....water aerobics with the ladies, laundry, clean the bathroom, a bit of renewed work on the calendar....the evening shared at prayer time with three ladies and our pastor.
Friday ended the week on a lovely note....
Lady number ONE
Lunch at Olive Garden with granddaughters Angie and these lovely ladies.....
I feel so blessed this week to be loved and liked by all these wonderful Pacific Northwest ladies, especially the younger generation. I feel at home and "family". Thank you, Ladies!!
And that mess in the living room? Maybe tomorrow....And all that rain? It is NOT -15 degrees like they are enduring in northern Wisconsin these days......
This has been a good 6 "ladies' week" days in the life of Grandma G.
"She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
(Proverbs 31: 25 & 26)
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