I'm prone to a bit of depression after the busyness of Christmas and New Year's. The flurry of activities is invigorating, yet tiring. It is hard to slide back into "normal" routine, though there is a lot of "undecorating" to do before that happens and occasions to start preparing for.
After arriving home Monday evening simply hanging out on Tuesday was relaxing.
Getting a picture of "I'm 3 months old today" Berklee was fun.
This day is also the double B-days of grandson Schmidt brothers in WI.
Tyler....11 years
Logan...9 years
Cooking is a comfort activity for me. What better comfort on a rainy January Wednesday than making a super lasagna? Weeks back I boiled lasagna noodles....twice as many as needed for the panfull I was making. (Not on purpose. Don't know what I was thinking. Anyway the extra 11 noodles went into the freezer for later use....)
And now it is later. It is also a chance to use frozen cheese, tomatoes and hamburger. (Even after all these years I still buy and cook like for 9 people. Maybe not that bad, but certainly more than one person needs. However, one can't cook a tasty meal by cooking for one. )

So now how long will it take me to eat
through a pan cut into 15 chunks? How about 5 meals and 10 chunks find their way back into the freezer for later use? YUM....
January is when Gram G launches her family Christmas project.....the GeoLou Schmidts Family Hppenings Feb to
Feb calendar. It is a matter of reviewing pictures from the past year, copying them into a new folder, uploading them to a photo website, choosing a calendar pattern and then designing the photos for each month. It is indeed a busy project for January...Oh, ya...
Started all that on Thursday. It is fun to revisit the past year in pictures. I've forgotten some of the things that occurred. Hope to be done by the end of the month. It is secret, though, shh.......
Friday blessed us with sunny, mid 40's weather....time to "undecorate" outside. It felt very springlike.... blue sky, mild breeze,crows cawing, a hidden tree frog croaking, small birds chirping, planes flying over.
And, yes, the occasional snowbank..
Ah.....the perfect winter day....
Outdoor peppermint hot chocolate break.....
with a couple chocolate chip cookies.....

New Year's weekend mystery.....large leaves in the yard, a knocked over heavy vase, a pulled out/broken ornament.. something/someone heavy chomping through? Bigfoot??
On Grandma G's back deck, Christmas will continue through January....
This has been a good 4 "on with the new year" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)
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