What does one do on a sorta flu-blah day? When one is yucky, but not enough to be totally sick?
How about catching up on blogging......while vegging in front of the TV. Actually, Gram G has discovered and developing a bad habit.....plugging in the computer, sitting on the couch and dividing attention between a laptop and the TV. Ouch....especially the tailbone ache and brain fog resulting in TV overload. Oh my..
However, the past 4 days have been quite productive and a bit surprising.
On Monday I made a trip to Freddy's for shoe shopping. I don't like shoe shopping. However, I have a significant trip happening soon and needed to update my footwear. More on that soon...
a peek of spring
A little family story about ear piercing. Many years ago, my oldest daughter, Debbie, wanted hers pierced in late elementary school. Her dad, being very conservative about such things, wouldn't allow it. Deb, being very determined, held a potato behind her ear and pierced them with a large sewing needle. I don't remember the follow up.....
Monday evening while watching Despicable Me 2
I got back to working on the family calendar....the website offered another sale ending Wednesday midnight. Checking on some info I made an interesting discovery....this past year's calendar includes February 2016. I must have been a little late last year. Kind of derailed me for being in a hurry to finish....guess I should.
Tuesday the rain returned.
At one point during the day I was checking on some info from an old notebook. Ran across this note..interesting since the date on Tuesday was 1/19/16. I was still living in Wisconsin. The temperature was around 20 below. Top Priority!!! No definite moving plans were formulated yet....
Wednesday was the peak of achievement for the week. With the rain easing I decided on a longer walk. When I read the "steps" app I was a bit disappointed....thought I had walked over 3 miles. Maybe if I take shorter steps, resulting in more steps I will walk farther. Does it work that way?
For the first time I saw a large volume of water in the creek. (The reason our park is called Creekside.)
Usually there is merely a trickle. The surprise for me was to observe the water flowing toward me. When it is small amounts I thought it flowed the opposite direction. It flows "into" town, not "out" of town. But I guess if one thinks about it, the water flows down from the mountains across the field.
Snow on the upper levels of the mountains.....
Right where it is suppose to be..
Once home again, I cleaned out the refrigerator, washed dishes and mopped the kitchen floor.
All this with the background of all day Star Trek marathon.
So today (Thursday) I woke up sore and feeling a little flu sick. Time to sit in front of the TV, blog, work on the calendar and drink lots of water.
But a good day to remember grandson Jude's 14th B-day....
He was born in England, son of Gretta and Gerald Schmidt.....
Jude Fitzgerald (son of Gerald) Schmidt

A friend from northern Wisconsin posted this picture of a frozen Lake Superior...
We have new speed limit signs in the park....
10 mph or less.....BEWARE.....
This has been a good 5 "hints of spring" days in the life of Grandma G.
"You [Lord] care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly. The streams of God are filled with water to provide the people with grain, for so you have ordained it." (Psalms 65:9)
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