From there I went to the bank, then since it was 11:50 and I don't open the store until noon. I figured I had 9 minutes to make a quick visit to a lady who runs a gift store near me. They have adopted 5 Chinese kids--all from different families. The kids have all taken piano lessons from me at some time. I hadn't seen them since last summer and wanted to know how they are doing. We had a nice chat. The kids are doing fine, though busy, which is normal. I did tell her that I am going to be done giving lessons the end of May. We conversed about that for a bit. She gave me a big hug before I left. Letting folks know that I am giving up teaching and the store this spring puts reality into my plans. I do concede there is 1/2 % chance I will still be here next year.
My visit exceeded 9 minutes, so I was late in opening. I figured as long as the boss and I don't meet up with each other, I will be OK.
A lady came in to make a payment on a rental instrument. She is having some personal problems so we had a chance to talk. She had gone to school with one of my kids. It is nice in a small town to know a lot of folks and what they are going through. We gave each other a big hug before she left.
I spent most of the afternoon at the store putting together an album of our trip for him. I will see him tomorrow and present it to him for a present. (English is such a great language. I hope you had the correct accent on each present--or was that present?)
This evening was the start of my winter break*. To celebrate that (and Devin's B-day) I had a steak dinner at a local restaurant with a good lady friend of mine. She had checked out my blog last night and was impressed with it--said I have great computer skills. (That's NOT exactly the way Chuck describes my computer savvy.) I replied that it has taken a lot of hours and I barely know much, but it is a lot of fun.
She gave me a golden can that has printed "Georgia's" on top. This is the first time my can has been golden. I will treasure my can for as long as I live. No one is allowed to touch my can. Can your can compare to my can?
*Winter break means I am leaving the snowy grounds of Park Falls and flying to green pastures for a week.
This has been a good "people" day in the life of Grandma G.
"The pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel" (Proverbs 27:9)
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