I invite you, my family, to be the first to enjoy these blogs. Journey with me as I endeavor to move to Vancouver, WA this summer. Travel with me day by day as I face upcoming challenges, experience ordinary life, relate past events, tell funny stories and show a few pictures.
I am finishing up Christmas this week. I find as I am getting older some things just can't be rushed or finished up quickly. I fashion a Geoschmidt Family Happenings calendar for the coming year as my gift to the family. This past fall there wasn't time to make 2 trips out west, 1 trip to Indianapolis, 1 trip to Milwaukee to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra which I didn't see, practice and accompany a local school Christmas concert AND program a calendar.
One of the perks of January in northern Wisconsin is the many, many, many, many cold dark hours from 4:20PM until 8AM. One has to do something during that time. I programmed a calendar!
One of the draw backs of programming a calendar in January is that January is gone by the time the calendar is ready.
This is a custom made calendar. It begins in February (the BEST month, anyway) and ends January, 2013. According to this calendar (the one that came in the mail today) the January grand kids failed to add another year to their young lives. OOPS. Nothing a fine lined black pen won't remedy.
At this point in time everyone will receive their calendar with an affectionate Valentine. Clever, hey, 2 holidays in one.
I have 3 1/2 days until I fly out to Debbie's in Vancouver. There are several chores that need to be done before that. "Publishing" for the first time is my biggy! I am going to be excited and scared when I click the "publish" button. Thanks for checking me out! Hang in with me for awhile---hopefully a long while.
You come back now, you hear, and share in... A DAY IN THE LIFE OF GRANDMA G!
This has been a good "publishing" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." (Ecclesiastes 9:10)
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