This is what I read when checking on weather back home. Would anyone in her right mind (remember, I am left handed) WANT to be in Price county, WI tonight?
On to warmer thoughts. Maybe
The truth of Thursday is that on Wed evening I got sick from my own cooking. I just finished gobbling down a dumping dinner and apple pie when I got a terrible stomach ache. After gagging and groaning and gulping Maalox for 30 minutes the worst past over. I woke up about 2AM again with a bad stomach ache and burping up gravy flavor. All of Thursday was spent with an achy stomach. It did give me an excuse to sleep away the morning and watch Apollo 18 in the afternoon. By mid afternoon I felt well enough to go for a 35 minute walk.
More on that later.
I also found proof that folks are planting spring flowers in February.
And that worms don't freeze in the wintertime.
We went to a play off basketball game for Angie's school. She is one of 2 managers. Their team won the district championship!
My niece, Stephanie, in Indianapolis, gave me a pair of pierced earrings for Christmas. I don't have pierced ears. Today. But. Will I have them tomorrow? Check in to find out!
I have only one day left here in Vancouver. I didn't get much "moving" business done, but I have enjoyed being here with Deb and her family. Getting out for walks has been wonderful.
Moving here is still my goal. I will feel like a minnow in the ocean for quite awhile but that sure beats being an icicle in the northwoods!
This has been a good "just hanging out" 2 days in the life of Grandma G.
"May the Lord Bless you from Zion all the days of your life.....and may you live to see your children's children." (Psalm 128:5 & 6)
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