Woke up to -1 degrees this morning. But there was a really fun surprise even for me---colored sparkly snow!
Though it is cold there is a sense of spring on the horizon.
Flashback: Jan 6 (-10 degrees) "Last night I woke up to the sound of an animal running through the walls and attic. The night before there was a 'bump in the night'. I figured it was a frozen squirrel that had fallen off the chimney. Last night it must have been his sister running around or he wasn't really frozen the night before."
In the morning I enjoyed a blessed service with folks at church. At this point they know that I am in and out and tease me about being a visitor. It is a comfort to have church family.
This afternoon I baked 2 chickens and a winter squash, made mashed potatoes, and packed them up to take to the home of my brother, Nick and his wife, Sandy. I picked up Betty J and we headed over. Their son, Gary and his wife, Jo, were also there. Nick is my younger brother by 14 months. He will turn 65 the end of April. He and I ( and youngest sister, Betsy) shared adventures and struggles of living in Park Falls as children.

This has been a good family day in the life of Grandma G.
"A friend loves at all times and a brother (or sister) is born for adversity." (Proverbs 17:17)
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