After a good church service I stayed around to chat a while. One lady asked if I am still planning to move. I said, yes, this summer. She said she will miss me. That is always nice to hear.
I stopped at our one and only grocery store on the way home. A fellow I know asked if it were true that I am leaving and I said, yes. He said he would miss me and "it" just won't be the same without me. Again, I am appreciative that folks will miss me.
Chuck and I talked at length about our family get together trip to South Dakota in late June. It is time to find lodging for all of us. Hopefully everyone will go. If so there will be 7 family units plus Lou and me--33 people in all. We haven't ever had a time when EVERYONE was present. (Planning family events and trips is theraputic for me during these 5 or so winter months.)

I took a little rest later in the afternoon and watched Lion king--most of it. I did the grandma thing and dozed a bit. I'm kind of tight today. I think it is from "extending" myself a few minutes more and farther on the treadmill yesterday. I want to keep building up my strength and endurance.
I cooked up some stir fry for dinner and for the week. Didn't have any flavor packets so had to improvise. The entree was ok but nothing a cookbook would want.
This late evening the wind is howling and snow is falling. We are to get a couple inches tonight and into tomorrow. Tuesday thru Wednesday, though, a major storm is forecast. Hopefully it will be gnarly enough on Wed. that I can just stay home--snow day!
This has been a good organizing day in the life of Grandma G.
"I have come that they (us) may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
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