This is what "my" shopping mall looks like at 7:30 AM--early for me. I needed to be there at that time to finish packing boxes for the crew to haul away at 9AM. And that's what we did. With a crew of 7 (me supervising) we emptied the store in about 40 minutes and delivered it all to my house--another 30 minutes.
I had the same great crew as last week. Thank you! I am very appreciative!
The owner of the building came in to chat and gave me a goodbye hug. He said he is sorry to see me go. The store has been here 8 years.
I need to go in on Monday to transfer the utilities, maybe sell one more guitar, vacuum and wave goodbye to Northwoods Music & Supplies. May it live on in our good memories forever! May it be recorded in the annuals of Park Falls, Wisconsin. May it....well, you know.
Last load to leave the store.
Backing in to unload in front. There was a "fun" race happening on the street out front.
Did you ever swat a fly on the fly? I did! With all the moving stuff in 2 big old nasty super flies flew into the house. I was able to enclose them in the porch and quickly annihilate them. There was a smaller one buzzing all over the house. I could follow its "buzz" but couldn't find where it would land. After some frustrating tries I located it near the floor in the kitchen--buzzing all over and not landing. Took a swat. Zap! It weren't buzzing or flying anymore. Yeah!
Many years ago my Uncle Mikey lived with us for a few months. He had the art of doing away with flies by aiming a rubber band and... Zap!
I sat outside for almost 2 hours late morning. The summer warmth and breeze felt really good under the shade tree. A family of robins lives nearby and was hopping around, listening for and snatching up their lunch.
There is this wonderful, gnarly old tree in my yard. It must have been hit by lightning several years ago. You can see its "scars" and deformities. Yet is it a strong, stable, protective tree. As my sister-in-law stated, "What stories it could tell!" We older folk should be the same way. We've all been struck by lightning in our own way over the years. Yet with God's grace we can be strong, stable and protective even with our scars and deformities.
Took a 2 hour nap this afternoon; watched Finding Nemo this evening. What a Saturday---work 3 hours and loaf for 8. Yeah! Either age or psychological adjustments must be zapping my energies. Oops. I know what happens to flies when they are zapped.
This has been a good "almost finished" day in the life of Grandma G.
"The rightous will flourish like a palm tree...They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, 'The Lord is upright, he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him'." (Psalm 92: 13-15)
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