The afternoon was spent counting money. I'm "rolling in the dough" for a few days. With closing the store the sales have been good. (If you want to bring customers in, have a continual half price sale.). There are still some items to sell, but it is time to settle the books, pay sales tax and see what is left. It's been fun to have some money to count.
There is a walking path along the Flambeau River---also fishing docks, a playground and picnic area. I have walked many miles along that path over the past years. I hope to walk a few more before leaving in August.
"schneedling" AKA chives
Later in the day I talked with my sister, Kate, about our cross country trip in August with another sister. Presently we are planning that one of my sons will drive my car (with us in it) to somewhere in Montana or Wyoming where we ladies will then turn north and find out way to Glacier NP and Banff, Canada and then southwest onto Vancouver, WA.
I spent most of the evening watching BBC America. They were presenting a 3 hour documentary on Queen Elizabeth II---in honor of her diamond jubilee as queen. I respect her as a dignified woman and admire the strength she maintains at 85.
My son, Gerald, and his wife, Gretta, lived in England from around 1997 to 2003. Half of that time they lived in the city of Windsor. Louie and I visited twice. I recall what fun it was to see the stone wall surrounding Windsor Palace as we walked through the village. To us Americans it was like being in the middle of stories of medieval times. What an honor it was to visit Windsor Castle and to observe "the changing of the Guard".
I have a piano piece titled Changing of the Guard Americana Style on my new soon to be released CD.
This has been a good "Queen Elizabeth's diamond jubilee" day in the life of Grandma G.
"The path of life leads upward for the wise." (Proverbs 15:24)
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