Already in the morning the weather was quite warm--close to 80. By noon the temp soared close to 90. It seems around here it is either too cold or too hot to be outside. Rain is forecast for late tonight.
I stopped at the grocery to buy a frozen lasagna for dinner at my bother, Nick's, home later in the afternoon. Also got a good supply of boxes!
Most of the afternoon I spent at the computer checking out flights, map quest, mileages, more flights. It was a combination info hunt for driving from Vancouver, WA to Rapid City, SD--2 different routes; 2 different routes from Banff, Canada to Vancouver, WA; the total mileage from Park Falls, WI to Vancouver, WA ( came out to be 1,898.63 miles one route vs. 2060.68 a different route.); the cost of a one way flight from PDX- Portland, OR- to MKE-Milwaukee; the cost of TWO one way tickets from PDX to IND-Indianapolis; the cost of one round trip ticket from PDX to RHI-Rhinelander,WI; the cost of a round trip ticket from SAN-San Diego-to RAP-Rapid City, SD; or SAN to Sioux Falls, SD; the frequent flier cost of 3 tickets from PDX to RAP. And that's a RAP--almost. Also checked the cost and info for U-haul or Budget trucks.
"That's my grammy..."

But it does show there is a lot of chatter about a lot of trips and activities happening soon! Yeah!
Nick and Sandy in 2010

Soon it was 3:45PM and time to get dinner together to lake to my brother, Nick's, home. I picked up Betty J and we were on our way in the 90 degree weather.
We try to visit with Nick and Sandy as much as we can. Nick has a gentle spirit in the midst of Picks disease. They are going to celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary this month. Nick has been diagnosed with Picks for 7 years. I told him I am moving away (I am 14 months older). Asked if that is OK with him. He studied me for awhile, then gave me a grin and shook his head yes. The four of us had an enjoyable, long visit.
This has been a good kaleidoscope day in the life of Grandma G.
"Let love and faithfulness never leave you...Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man." (Proverbs 3:3 & 4)
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