Not only is the way blocked but the store itself is imploding. Pamida is clearing out for Shopco to take over. I was there today to pick over a dwindling inventory. HMMMM. Wonder what other store just went through that. This is a much larger scale. I did enjoy THEIR sales.
I spent a huge chunk of the morning playing travel agent, looking up possible flights for an upcoming event. Even now I don't know if anything is resolved except the realization that flight costs are VERY expensive now. Time to get out of Dodge.
Where the Murray River Flows
San Diego Boogie
Waves of Gitchigoomie
Indiana Starlight Just to name a few
This afternoon I went to the bank to get money to get out of Dodge. Fortunately, there was enough in my account so I didn't have to rob it. I did get a cashier's check to take with me to open an account in Vancouver.Back at the ranch (house) I finished packing. I did the bulk of it Monday evening. (She's getting out of Dodge.) There is a particular procedure involved since I can't lift very heavy. I have to put the large suitcase in the back seat of the car, take items out in smaller piles and pack the suitcase in the car. This is MUCH easier in the summer rather than at -20 degrees.
I did take a 30 minute walk to ease tension. I think it worked.
Time to get out of Dodge when the highlight of your day is turning on reruns of Little House on the Prairie/The Waltons/ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. There's a whole lot of trouble brewing on them there shows. At least Star Trek is out there.
Time to get out of Dodge when one's house looks like a rehearsal for Hoarding, Buried Alive and you know it will remain that way the next 8 weeks. If one is not here one does not see it. Trouble is abrewing--especially if things start moving by themselves.
Time to get out of Dodge when the airline sends an email saying it is time to check in. YEAH!
Tomorrow afternoon it is off to the airport and on to Milwaukee....and on to Vancouver, WA.....and on to South Dakota for family reunion. There is a fresh energy and new emotional flow when I get away from daily routine and reconnect with other scenarios.
This has been a good "time to get out of Dodge" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Be at rest once more, o my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." (Psalm 116:7)
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