The day started off with getting a last Park Falls perm.
Art's Barber and Styling has been a landmark for over 30 years. Mary has been my hairdresser for over 20 years. We have had many lively conversations about family, trips, town activities and the small business world.
For several years the back "house" area was a chiropractor's office. The doctor was a dear friend of mine who helped me and my kids through many health crises.
Mary has recently remodeled the area into a nail and tanning salon.
Later in the morning I worked at the music store for a few hours, listing inventory that is left. After hauling the printer/fax machine BACK to the store I was able to fax the list to a potential buyer. The owner will let me know in a day or two if they will buy.
I think I have a plan to get everything out of the store by Saturday so I can finally be OUT of the building and conclude that portion of my life. Yeah!
After sitting in the mid afternoon sun for a bit I decided to go walking. The air was cooling and a few clouds were blowing in. Soon a huge black cloud settled just to the north. It was peculiar because it just sat there---didn't travel onto anywhere. I returned home after a brief walk because of that cloud. But an hour passed and still no rain.
the black cloud hanging over PF
My friend, Barb, and I had agreed to meet for dinner at a local restaurant. I knew the street had been torn up for a couple weeks, but didn't know how bad! We found an area we could cross safely. The restaurant owner said they had to close for 2 days because there was no access either front or back. Dinner was good, though! AND the rain finally let loose.
Back at home I sat awhile before calling one son to see how his wife is doing after being diagnosed with blood clots in her lung. She had gallbladder surgery several weeks ago but continued with severe pain. Monday the doctors found the clots. She will be in hospital through the weekend. Fortunately her mom was able to come and help them.
I then called another son to see if he was able to make arrangements to come to South Dakota with everyone. No answer, but his mom left him a message to contact her.
I then called another son to see if he had talked with a fourth son about a place to stay in South Dakota. He had and that is taken care of.
I did not call my 5th son. What would this mom do without 5 sons? And 2 daughters? One of whom called to inquire what was the nature of her sister-in-law's ailment.
The inside of my house is as disorderly as the streets of Park Falls. And will remain so all through the summer---just like the streets of Park Falls.
This has been a good "very active" day in the life of Grandma G.
"I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have the grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." (Ephesians 3:17 &18)
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