For our church service we had a Christian Seder meal. I found it inspiring, educational, and tasty!
I "wiled away" most of the afternoon watching TV. It started off innocently enough with an entertaining true story of a high school girls' basketball team and coach. It ended up being caught up in "Untold Stories of the ER". The programs are good. It just that by evening I have a Boob Tube hang over and nothing significant accomplished.
I typed a "spring concert/ this is my last year teaching" letter to my students and parents. I couldn't print it, though, since my printer isn't printing. I shut down the computer and will try in the morning. I do dislike technology malfunctions. I'd much rather be out flying in an airplane.
My foster dad, Jim Sperry, died on Thursday, March 9, 2012. He was 93.
I had a great visit with him and Susie, my foster sister, in late December. Visiting with them in Indianapolis was a yearly event for the past several years.
On this last visit I took these pictures of their family crest; also of the Abagaile doll and book that that Jim's mom created and sold in Nashville, IN during the Depression.
"Rest in peace, dear Foster Dad."
This has been a good Sunday in the life of Grandma G.
"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
(Psalm 139:16)
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