I had a good morning. After a 20 minute mile on the treadmill, a hot shower and a new pair of light weight tan pants I was ready to face the world. I did the needed important task of sending out the proper master CD of "Oh, the Places I've Been".
Rich at ryproductions
On Tuesday 2 weeks ago on my way to Milwaukee I took a short detour to a recording studio to get my new CD produced. My studio friend here in Park Falls had run off two different master CDs--one for "Places" and one for "Grandma G's Bag of Surprises". I had carefully put the "Places" CD in the computer bag so it was ready to go the morning I had to also pack suitcases and load the car. I had a great drive down until I came to wet dirt roads and got stuck after bypassing where I was to end up. (But that is for another time and story.) Once successfully where I needed to be I took out the master CD and......discovered it was the WRONG one. OOPS. I did have one for him to listen to so I could let him know what adjustments needed to be done.
So today I sent out the proper one. I am eager to get this project done and available for people to buy. There are folks here in Park Falls that have expressed desire to know when I have a new CD. I want a chance for them to obtain it before moving from here. I've been trying to get this done since last fall and am excited it will finally be accomplished.
At noon I was quite distressed as I pulled into the music store parking lot to see Wally L walking and carrying the new amp he bought while I was gone. Wally isn't the brightest chap in town. He has a knack for messing things up so I knew this was not going to be an easy interchange. Sure enough, he couldn't get the "squeal" out of the amp. His big thing is having an amp where he can plug in a microphone and guitar so he can sing along while he plays. Those amps are hard to find. I let him demonstrate the problem and after some discussion, wondering, looking in the catalog and expressions of dismay he finally settled on buying a different amp. He figured he could take his old small amp, plug in a mic to that one and have his gig all set up. I was glad to see him leave happy that he had solved his amp problem at least for now.
I spent an hour of "studio" time---time practicing news songs. That is always relaxing and restoring to me. There are four pieces I hope to do at my last piano recital.
I was excited this evening to see that a new season of "The Little Couple" is back on. Jen is a not quite 3 feet tall baby doctor. It is the story of their life and recent efforts to have a baby by a surrogate mom.
Flashback.....snow, red barns and windmills.....
Lou and I always liked to see who could spot a windmill first whenever we drove around Wisconsin
snow fields and farm land
Coming SOON......a revised presentation of moving activities and goals!!
This has been a good first day of spring in the life of Grandma G.
"Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." (Psalm 116:7)
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