Though this Saturday started late--10:30AM--it was a productive day. I got laundry done--and put away, 2 loaves of banana bread baked**, the dishes washed and the kitchen floor wiped up.
This afternoon I went to for leisure walk to enjoy the very early spring. With my handy-dandy camera I got snips of local "color" all within a mile of my house.

early pussy willows
I found the leprechaun house!

* Do you have a compulsion you just can't change? Like thinking you have to buy bananas because they are good for you and you should eat one every day? Even though you really don't like eating bananas? That's why I baked banana bread today. Last week on my way up from Milwaukee there was a quick mart that had bananas at 49 cents a pound. Thinking I should eat a banana every day I bought a bunch of 5. Every day after that I looked at the bananas thinking I should eat one, but I didn't WANT to eat one. Every day they got a little riper. There is one thing I like even worse than "just right" bananas and that is soft bananas. I DO like banana bread. I have been known to put over ripe bananas in the freezer to keep them from completely spoiling. There they can rest until the right moment--sort of like the woolly mammoth. Then when the time is right and all the other needed ingredients are in the kitchen they can come out, thaw out (though black on the outside and mushy on the inside), be mashed and stirred in with the flour and eggs to beome--wa la--banana BREAD! At any given time there will be at least 5 frozen bananas in my freezer. The count has gotten uncountable on occasion in the past. And on occasion in the past one or more of the children would make a comment---like,"Why don't you throw those things out?" Actually that is more like a request than a comment. I do remember once when I needed to clean out the deep freeze there were TWO grocery bags of black bananas resting in peace. I was heartless and threw ONE out but had compassion on the other. To my knowledge it is still there. Anyway, I have started a fresh supply (of frozen bananas in the freezer) not because my goal is to raise frozen bananas or to traumatize Chuck (he has very vivid memories of black things in the freezer) but because you should eat a banana every day so I buy them whenever I go to the grocery--or quick mart.

This has been a good banana bread baking, spring day in the life of Grandma G.
"The cheerful heart has a continual feast." (Proverbs15:15)
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