The afternoon at the music store was busy socially. A fellow came in to browse while his wife finished her meal at the China Beijing--just 2 doors over. He said he and his wife lived in China several years. Now that he is retired he likes to spend his time seeking out high end Chinese restaurants. He said this one is a combination of Chinese and American Chinese; that it actually was quite tasty. He went on to say that here in America we wonder why the Chinese make such "junk". Over there, he said, the Chinese workers wonder why Americans like to buy such "junk". The Chinese don't like that stuff. They manufacture it because there are American contractors who order it. Hmmmm
Frank stopped by while I was enjoying "studio" time. Usually his wife is with him so I asked where she was. At home---he needed to get away for a bit. She has dementia. We talked a little about me moving and closing the store. He was hoping I'd keep it going through July since he has a little recording area in the back and doesn't know where to transfer it to. I wish I could help him, but time and money are tight for me.
Another couple came in for the guy to buy a few things. The girlfriend tried out a piano and wondered how you tell what keys to play--there was nothing to indicate which ones. I said one has to learn the names of the keys and what printed music means. She did get involved with an impromptu lesson on a smaller keyboard. While she was engrossed he tried out a few different guitars. They wiled away about 30 minutes Jamie
After Jamie left Jeff and I chatted a while. He is the one who prepared the master CDs for me. He got a kick out of me taking the wrong one to the recording studio. I said it was his fault for giving me a choice of two.
Later in the afternoon a young girl had her piano lesson. Afterward her mom asked about summer lessons. I hesitated and she probably was thinking I didn't want to give her daughter lessons. Actually I was pondering if I should reveal that I won't be around for the summer. Finally I told her I am going to be done the end of May. They both seemed surprised and disappointed. I told them I will also be closing the store. She responded she thought it would be fun to run a music store. I mentioned that I thought a person would have to have a side business included to make it work. She left looking like she was thinking a bit.
It is difficult for me to announce my "retirement", yet I don't feel any pull to keep here another winter.
One last development for the day. I got it in my head it would be nice to "run" out to Deb's for Easter and check out the house possibility. I told myself that if I find a 25,000 mile FF ticket I would do that. (Yesterday they were all coming up much higher priced.) I was "browsing" and came across a nicely timed one that first showed 32,500 and then clicked in at 25,000. Now what do I do? If I leave that page I might not get it back. If I reserve it I have until Sat. midnight to cancel it. So WHAT did I do? Find out tomorrow.......
It is now 1:30AM Sat. CDT. It is, however, Friday night so I can stay up as late as I want....I just have to remember NOT to feed the plants.
This had been a good socially active day in the life of Grandma G.
"So I saw there is nothing better for a man than to enjoy his work beause that is his lot."
(Ecclesiastes 3:22)
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