'Tis the month of GREEN! I need a bunch of GREEN!
It's all in the trees! Enjoy VC trees!
"Oh, the monkey tail tree, monkey tail tree!
Have you seen the monkey tail tree?
Oh, the monkey tail tree,
It's as strange as strange can be.
How many monkeys in the monkey tail tree?"
(For the answer you will have to wait until my song comes out!)
There is a new TV series called GRIM. It is filmed in Portland. It is about Grimm's fairy tail characters who look like us humans---unless you are one of them, then you can see who (what) your friends REALLY are. I watched an episode at Deb's house. They like watching it and picking out places they recognize. After viewing these pictures perhaps you will agree that this area lends itself to such fantasies---if they really are only fantasies.
I remember as a girl of 6 or 7 years old, sitting in a tree at my foster family's home. I just knew that if I waited long enough I would see a fairy. I must not have waited long enough because I am not sitting in that tree any longer and I still haven't seen a fairy.
FYI Wisconsin has great trees too!
This has been a good "green tree wishing" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy; they will sing before the Lord, for he comes."
(Psalm 96:12 & 13)
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