Up north here we are in transition from late winter to early spring. It lasts usually from March 1 to June 1.
Puzzle Time....Find the snow marker!!
I really need to stop playing and go to bed. Tomorrow I have to get up at the crack of dawn--7AM so I can be ready for a hair cut at 8:15 and head out of town by 9AM. I have a 2 hour drive to the studio that will work on my new CD and then a 4 hour drive to Milwaukee. I told Angie I plan to be there by 6PM. I can be a big talker tonight, but who knows how the AM will find me.
Oh, I AM in transition. I applied for an AAA membership this evening. My single status is evolving and since I will be on the road alone more I want to have some security.
Today was a struggle for whatever reasons, but I think I have the important tasks done and I hope when I finally "get on the road" in the morning I will feel energized and excited for the next 9 days.
I don't know when I will have WIFI again so don't really know when updates will come. But come they will! Coming soon....interactive capabilities! Good night!
This has been a good "push through" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:27)
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