Today my inner being has been stretching. I have realized lately that one's inner self needs to mature as much as one's physical self. It seems that we start off in this world with our bodies dictating to our spirits---ever notice a crying or laughing baby? For several years our physical strength carries us along to pursue our goals, to raise a family, to have fun, to help us through stress. THEN comes the time when our bodies want to shut down, and along with them our goals, our hopes, our desire for fun, our strength to overcome stress, our mental sharpness. It is then that our spirits need to stand up, take over and dictate how our bodies are going to act. Our spirits have to decide whether to be grumpy or happy, needy or helpful, withdrawn or outgoing, enthusiastic or slumpy.
Today I sense a "growing " need deep inside me. My spirit needs to be strong, outgoing, interested in others, a mature lady who has something to give to others. I want my senior years to be healthy, full, abundant, having plenty of love, interest, concern and encouragement to give. I want senior status to be a time of reward and accomplishment. I want to be recognized and trusted as a capable, caring keyboard instructor and musician as well as an entertaining, high quality and honorable blogger.
The afternoon at the music store went by quickly. I am playing for a church service for Betty J while she is gone for a few days. I worked on that music and as well as pieces for the recital in May. People are coming in to check out the bargains in the store. A 5 piece drum set sold today.
One student made the comment, "Funny thing about you having a big sale is that there is nothing missing from the store." OH. I told him that a few bigger items have sold.
This evening I talked quite awhile to my son, Chuck. We talked about the late June family gathering in the Black Hills, South Dakota. He is interested in the house I am going out to view. One thing about computers and web sites---it is possible to see what things look like!
Flashback! Disneyland, March, 2012
Four (4) beautiful princesses!
My daughter and her family have visited Disneyland for the past 4 days. Fun times!
This has been a good "spirit growing" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." (1 Corinthians 4:16)
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