Spring forecast
Even the birds were huddling and complaining!
Today was a rock climbing day--figuratively speaking. The morning started out as one of those times when one's insecurities, fears, inabilities, weaknesses, and lack all converge to create a huge rocky cliff meant to hinder. Having too many projects that need finishing probably added a few more boulders. This is when faith in a loving, caring, powerful God is the protective rope that enables me to climb.
Mid-morning I walked a 25 minute, 1.30 mile on the treadmill and did some stretches. I believe that keeping physically active is important as one is growing "mature". It does feel good and relieves stress.
The afternoon at the music store passed smoothly. I practiced the songs I plan to perform at the recital. That also feels good and relieves tension. Jamie came in to tune the guitars. He (and I) want to keep them ready for customers to try. There was a fellow in to look for a guitar for his 16 year old daughter. He said he is trying to find a Christmas gift that isn't electronics or video games. He told how when his dad died he and his siblings all sang, "Home on the Range" at the grave site. He had sung it to his kids, so they remembered him that way. The fellow went on to comment that he'll give the guitar to his daughter and have her learn "Home on the Range" so she can play it for him at his grave site.
While at the store I called out to Vancouver to inquire about a possible house. Obtaining it sounds hopeful! I don't want to get excited until I find out if it is going to work out. The realtor is going to call in the morning so we can discuss it more. Hope! Hope!
I've been listening to and studying the master disk for my new CD. I am a perfectionist. Yet if I insist on perfection (my performance) the CD will never come to be. So.....I think it is ready for release to the public. Soon.
This has been a good (snowy) rock climbing day in the life of Grandma G.
"From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." (Psalm 61:2)
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