This morning would have been the delight of every boy and man! Not so to ladies. At 8AM there was this hum outside and then BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! and the sound of motors running and trucks beeping their backup warnings. At first I didn't pay any attention, but after 10 minutes I peeked outside. This is what I saw.....
an hour later
The Pepsi factory next door was repaving it's driveway. OK. I kept looking and kept hearing the BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! and windows rattling. The cement truck was not producing that sound. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! I went upstairs to look out the back window. There in the back of the factory a "something" was banging away at a slanted driveway. By the looks of the equipment there will be more repaving going on tomorrow morning.
Now, if you are a man, wouldn't that have been a great hour of entertainment?
Grandma G is not a man.
The afternoon at the music store passed quickly. A few more customers came in and commented they are sad to see the store close, but wish me well. A gentleman came in to see if I would hang up a band advertisement for him. He expressed surprise that I am closing the store. I asked if he wanted to take over. He said we could trade. I didn't know he was the owner of the CCC---Chaquamagon Canoe (and Coffee?) Club. It is a small cafe with a bistro atmosphere. All their food ingredients have been grown or produced here in Wisconsin. We chatted about the challenge of having a small business in a small town and also about music since he has gigs going on certain evenings. (I was secretly interested because I am thinking about having a show somewhere before I leave.) Our chat was cut short when other customers came in. I am finding that a good way to get customers is to have a going out of business sale!
I feel like I am in "finals" week, like I a have a term paper that is due, but am finding all kinds of things to do except get it done. My recital. Lots to prepare for but I'm not doing it. Well, maybe a little and VERY slowly. That gives me a hint that it is time to RETIRE.
This has been a good "moving along" day in the life of Grandma G.
"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day." (Proverbs 4:18)
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