That is what I had this afternoon. I had a defective amp to send back to the supplier. Unfortunately I did not have a plain box to pack it in. So....I cut apart 2 grocery bags (good thing PAPER still exists) to cover the box. It was reminiscent of cut and paste in early grade school. Back then it was fun and satisfying; today it was annoying and time wasting. Patching the pieces with many, many strips of tape made me think of mummy pictures where the person was completely wrapped in strips of whatever.
Jump ahead in the day to this evening as I was packing. I heard this "buzz" fly past me. It was this bug. This bug is only one of several that have shown up at random times and places in this house. The most appalling one was on my head as I was just waking up. A peculiar aspect of this bug is that it releases a smell similar to decaying leaves when it is "stressed". I presume "stressed" because whenever I catch, swat, squash or wrap one in a Kleenex the air is flooded with the odor.
I've been tired all day---short on sleep. Seems I stayed up too late last night----BLOGGING. With leaving for Vancouver tomorrow there were many, many tasks to be completed or at least organized. I think things in order enough to leave for 6 days. And there is no SNOW to deal with. At least I hope not. The temp is forecast to dip down to 20 degrees tonight. Fortunately there is no moisture in the air.
Off to bed for a good night's sleep for lots of energy and enthusiasm for air travel tomorrow!
This has been a good "fairly odd picture" day in the life of Grandma G.
"God made....all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds."
(Genesis 1:25)
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