The "Max" in Portland, OR |
A home for me in VC is getting closer to reality! I am not well off financially and this contract is a gift from God. I am excited, yet nervous waiting for the closing to happen.
This afternoon at the store I spent an hour rehearsing my songs. I really enjoy having "studio" time. I reviewed a song titled Monkey Tail Tree. That reminded of other songs I recorded 2 years ago for my grand kids. I have a Clavinova in the backroom (to keep it from kids playing it). There are several songs stored in it. I played some and sang with them. My voice is much stronger since I had the heart ablation done last August. Maybe there is still a singing career in my future! I also listened to the CD I produced 6 years ago. I hadn't listened to it for several months. All that made me want to put on a show here in the local library before I move. I plan to look into that!
After the hurry to do paperwork this morning and being absorbed in music this afternoon my mind was disconnected from routine life. I had to sit awhile and refocus on the students and customers that would be coming in later.

This has been a good faxing/musical day in the life of Grandma G.
"Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young." (Psalm 84: 3)
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