Saturday was HOT----not exciting hot, temperature hot. Up in the 80's hot. Too hot to go walking hot. One day is too cold to walk; next day is too hot to walk. Is it no wonder folks up north are a bit mixed up? I did fool Mother Nature----I went walking in the evening right before dark when the air cooled. Good timing since the thunder storms rolled in a few hours later and are just rolling out this Sunday evening.
Unusual color for a spring plant. (There are a lot of orange flowers in the fall.)

Other creatures were enjoying the evening cool as well. In the blue----that IS an eagle flying. I'm still trying to get a good picture of an eagle in flight.
Saturday was spent with fun stuff like laundry and dishes. I used a couple hours preparing for my last church service at the local nursing home. (I have ministered there for several years.) And I finished the episodes of "Lost at Copper Falls". Also took time for an episode of Star Trek.

In the evening I attended a dance recital my granddaughter, Autumn, danced in. I probably won't be seeing any more---unless I travel back for a visit in the warmth of spring.

Her younger 5 year old brother, Eddy, was there as an aspiring photographer. Serious stuff. Makes Grandma G happy!
Sunday was another day of "last one" in Park Falls. Today was Missions Sunday. I presented the topic for the morning. It was my last time officially working with the missions board. I have helped on the board for at least 32 years. They were great years. It is difficult to let go, but I was glad to have this opportunity to thank and encourage everyone.
The service was unique this morning with the thunder and heavy rains. Twice while pastor was preaching thunder thundered and lightning struck at just the appropriate moments!
This afternoon was another "last one". This one was even more difficult--- my last service at the nursing home. I've grown attached to some of the residents. There were 22 in attendance today. We had a Communion service which was a meaningful way to say goodbye to each other.
There has been a wonderful lady who has been coming to play piano for me for several services. I will miss her as well. I don't get teary-eyed easily, but I did today when we sang an old hymn--GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU
Later in the day I talked by phone with my sister, Kate, concerning our 3 senior sisters (and Betsy) cross country road trip. There are a few options for travel--drive all the way, fly from point to point or combination. The ONE sure objective is time in Glacier National Park and Banff Park in Canada---AND arriving at my new home in VC! Details yet to come.
This has been a good "last one" weekend in the life of Grandma G.
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God."
(1 John 4:7)
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