HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHERS!! Since this is OUR day I wanted this post to show up TODAY.
I am already enjoying the attention of "Mother Appreciation". I've received gifts from 2 of my 7 children.
I think one is trying to get more
DAUGHTER appreciation. OR she is making a dancing monkey out of me......
This is definitely a TWO chocolate strawberries day!
I never really knew my mom. According to one of my older sisters, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia years before I was born. Back then the medical world didn't know how to treat it. My mom endured several bouts of electric shock treatments. I didn't live at home much after 5 years old. My first memories are of St. Vincent's Orphanage, then 3 and 1/2 years with a loving foster family, a few months back home in 3rd grade and then the rest of my life here in Park Falls with an aunt and uncle.
The summer between 3rd grade and the rest of my life I enjoyed rustic, free roaming, no shoes, hanging out on a bachelor uncle's old farm 10 miles south of here. My mom and a few siblings were also there. I was unfamiliar with outhouses, unkempt yards and old lumber laying around. On one occasion I had just finished my business in the outhouse and was running back to whatever I was doing. I stomped the arch of my foot onto a large rusty nail sticking out of some old lumber. All I remember is my mom plunging my foot into a bucket of cold water. Instantly the water turned blood red. I don't know how long she had me keep it there. She then made a "poultice" of bread and stuffed it into the wound. No doctor visit, no antibiotic lotion or pill, no stitches, no tetanus shot. I sometimes think of that day and wonder about the tragic consequences that could have been.
My greatest in joy in heaven after seeing the Lord will be for Mom and I to get to know each other. We'll have eternity to hang out together.
"Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I am told you were a great piano player. Thanks for that gift to me! We'll play some duets. I love you!"
Bill, Chuck, Burt, Deb, Gerry, Angie, Lou, Geo, Al
This has been a wonderful pre Mother's Day in the life of Grandma G.
"May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice." (Proverbs 23:25)
"May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice." (Proverbs 23:25)
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