Many spring flowers are opening up:
these particular ones always remind me of a candy I liked when young--wafers of chocolate covered with tiny white balls. (I can't eat them now because those tiny white candies get stuck in my teeth.)
"Bleeding hearts" bush is the first plant I remember being intrigued by when I first came to Park Falls. Aunt Emma had a large one in her back yard. For years I tried to get one to flourish but couldn't.
white lilacs
I took my car in this morning for an oil change, but also because the brakes needed to be checked over. I told the fellow at the desk (I know him as Chuck) that I plan to drive the car out to Washington in August and need to be it to be road and mountain worthy. (Chuck said they can do that for a mere $786. ) Whatcha gonna do?
He has a small business of roasting and packaging Colombian coffee---WK Coffee. He doesn't do web selling, but he can ship to Vancouver,WA or anywhere else. Good stuff.
Though we officially said goodbye, I plan to meet up with him a couple occasions this summer.
A recently acquired friend--Dana-- also stopped in. He is looking to invest in a guitar---and coaching me on purchasing sound equipment in case I decide to do that.
A dad and his grown son came in to purchase a classical guitar they decided they liked. They live in a rural area north of here. Somehow we started talking about wildlife. The dad was inquiring about grisly bears and snakes in the PNW. We talked about the game animals here in northern Wisconsin and how some of them are getting to be a problem. The DNR introduced elk a little north of here and they are thriving. They seem like an overly large animal to be running loose here in the northwoods. We shook hands (the customers and me--not the elk) and they wished me good luck out west.
I had one student this afternoon. She and her mom brought me a present---a photo album and a necklace set. The mom explained that her neighbors are from Uganda. The husband is a doctor here. The wife has several craft items from her home area that she sells and the proceeds go for medicine and food for the people. What is unique about this necklace and bracelet is that even though they appear to be plastic or wooden, the beads are made from rolled up paper. I will certainly treasure this gift and wear it often.
And the RAIN? It never came.
This has been an enjoyable, relaxing "Last Tuesday" in the life of Grandma G.
"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you," (Isaiah 55:12)
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