Future home of Grandma G's Studio! |
I even had the electric and water switched over to my name today. I will be going out mid June to size up the rooms in order to decide what to move with me. Yea! Yea! Yea! Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!
The entire day seemed like I was jogging from one event to another. Between banking needs, a number of phone calls, computer work, waiting on customers, making final adjustments on my new CD, a couple lessons, doing some stretching and eating, the day has passed quickly.

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. OOPS. That is someone else's story.
It was the end of the summer--a very rainy summer. The school kids of St. Anthony's who came to sing for summer church services were being treated to a picnic at Copper Falls State Park. At 13 and going into the 8th grade, I was among them--probably 11-20 kids. Also along was an older high school girl, Jan , (not real name) who attended a convent to become a nun, and the young assistant priest.
I don't remember how it was. I think we were allowed to walk the trails in groups of 3 and to be back to the bus by 4 or 5PM. I was not among the popular group and it ended up that Jan and I were left behind without a 3rd to make our group of 3. We were sitting at the picnic grounds when Fr. Bob (not his real name) offered to be our "3rd". OK!
We chose to walk the trail on the right side of the river. Fr. Bob was new to the area and I don't think Jan was very outdoorsy. I think I started bragging how one (or 3) can walk the trail about a mile, cross a bridge, hike back on the other side AND be back in time for the bus. (I had done that the year or 2 before.) (I was a girl scout AND outdoorsy)

Did we make a wrong turn somewhere? Find out tomorrow.
This has been a GOOD "Grandma G has a house in Vancouver" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3: 20 & 21)
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