I also had to get a hair cut, get the key for the auditorium for Sunday and make a few stops in town. Home from noon to 3 PM to clean and then to the music store for lessons from 3:30--6. A little piano practice, grocery shopping, watching TV while eating supper and then back to cleaning until 10:45 when Chuck and family arrived. Did a little visiting, now a quick blog and I'm off to bed. Come back in a day or two for fun pictures and recital update! (Chuck just came down from upstairs---said there is something running in the wall and it isn't small. I told him I know, but it hasn't broken through yet. He is sleeping on the couch.)
Thursday was the National Day of Prayer for our country. What a privilege to live in a country where we are free to pray and worship!
singing a medley of This Is My Country; America the Beautiful/ God Bless America
This has been a good 2 super busy days in the life of Grandma G.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." (Psalm 33: 12)
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