My last group of students in Park Falls, WI May 6, 2012
After there was a reception with snack foods and a chance at more photos:
At the end of the recital I presented my mini concert:
I have a home where the Flambeau flows,
In gentle waves beneath the pine,
And the whip-poor-will still sings her song,
While the hoot owl calls the whole night long.
Oh, the river rolls and the Flambeau flows,
'Neath clear blue skies, where the eagle flies,
Oh, the river rolls and the Flambeau flows,
In gentle waves beneath the pine.
In my childhood days I would run and play,
Along her banks I would long to stay.
On happy days I would sing and praise,
If my heart were dry I would sit and cry.
When the winter comes, and the air turns cold,
her gentle waves lie beneath the snow,
When the nights are long and the forest bare,
When the north wind blows,
I cry,"Let it flow".
I have a home where the Flambeau flows,
In gentle waves beneath the pine,
And though I go this home I'll find,
For the Flambeau flows in this heart of mine.
(copyright laws apply May,2012 GCS)
This has been a good recital remembering day in the life of Grandma G
"He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God." (Psalm 40:3)
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