A cute couple came into the store this afternoon to check out a few items. I asked if they were from around here. They live in a tiny village 40 miles north of here. Somehow I got around to saying I am moving to the Portland area. (If I say Vancouver most folks think of Canada.) He replied that he lived in Portland for 7-8 years and is familiar with Vancouver, WA--he has friends who live there. He moved back here recently to be close to family, but they do make trips back to Portland. They are going to be out there for a week in January for the "Old Time Gathering"---a festival dedicated to "old time music", pre-blue grass music. I know where I will be hanging out January 16-20 and I know some "back home" folks I will be looking up!
(Great website: Old Time Gathering)
The Last Thursday
The afternoon passed quickly. Jamie came in to check the guitars and soon a friend of his came in to look over the sale prices. He and Jamie chatted away for quite awhile.
I sold 2 more guitars, 2 cases, a drum set, a mandolin and a ukulele. It's amazing how sales increase at half price. I should have thought of that 2-5 years ago. I've sold a lot of merchandise; still plenty left.
The weather was so warm I thought I would stand outside to eat my lunch. Hang on to your hat!! It was so windy it blew me right back into the store. I did get a great picture of a machine vacuuming up the blacktop off the highway. All that construction will give the town something to complain about and analyze all summer and into the fall.
There were only 2 lessons this afternoon. The one boy brought me a hand written thank you. His brother also took lessons for awhile.
The weather was threatening storms all day. Mostly it was windy. By late afternoon the sky turned dark and the rain came. We had tornado warnings for the evening. One did touch down in an area about 100 miles from here. All is quiet as the time is near 10PM.
My daughter in southern Wisconsin called yesterday afternoon. She said, "Guess what I have?" "A puppy?" No. "Pneumonia?" No. "Shingles?" "Yes, how did you guess so fast?" "Moms know everthing." I haven't had a chance to call her today to see how she is doing.
This has been a good "Last Thursday" in the life of Grandma G.
"The prospect of the righteous is joy." (Proverbs 10:28)
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