I don't remember fully what has gone on these past 4 days, but there was still plenty of activities.
Tuesday I got back to water aerobics for the first time in a month. I was pleased that ladies said they missed me. (One lady said she's been trying to contact me. She and 2 others are going to the Oregon coast for a few days soon and I am invited. BUMMER. Not that they are going, but that I will be in San Diego those days. Well.... someone has to be an adrenalin junkie senior lady style.) Later in the day Angie came over and we went to dinner at the local Applebee's. We hadn't visited for the past month also.
Next door was a well kept second hand store. I fell for a unique, black rocking chair. I have a lot of black accents in my living room; it should fit right in. I hesitated to spend the money for it, but all the proceeds go to a charity that cares for the homeless here in Vancouver. It won't find its way here to my house until Monday, when I will be back in that area.
Keep on checking in on Grandma G. There are plenty of adventures yet to come.
With the start of August I thought it would be interesting to do a daily flashback to a year ago when I was preparing for my move here to Vancouver.
August 1 & 2, 2012:
I was getting ready for a garage sale.
Louie and I had a day trip to the Lake Superior area.
He came over to haul away things for the thrift shop.
On the way up I sold several boxes of misc. from my
music store to a pawn shop....was paid pennies for what
it was really worth.
One of my favorite places---
In the summertime
Beautiful Bayfield, Wisconsin
You all come back now, you hear?
In the summer time, you hear?
This has been a good 4 semi-lazy days in the life of Grandma G.
"Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth."
(Proverbs 10:4)
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