Today was a fun Cinco de Mayo. Amigos.
Actually the best part is that today was the golden Cinco do Mayo Birthday of granddaughter, Mimi, in Wisconsin. 5 years old on the 5th of May. That should be a triple Golden B-day 5-5-5....
We chatted on the phone this afternoon. She told me about her friends' party over the weekend and the soon starting family party.
Shortly after, I received a call from a friend here in the park to come over for a Cinco de Mayo dinner with a few other friends.
Yeah!! My first Cinco de Mayo party.
A Beautiful Cinco de Mayo evening.......
We enjoyed a simple meal of homemade burritos, taco dip and nachos.
We also discussed "fried ice cream". One lady looked up the recipe online. It actually is deep fried for 10 to 12 seconds.
That's the hot and cold of it.
We played a rousing game of
Mexican Train dominoes. While we two learners were trying to understand the game, I was also trying to figure out how to set my new camera to "timer" so we could all get in the picture. When it finally started to blink, it was a mad rush to get to the group in time. Fortunately, this camera takes 2 snaps, rather than one.
rushing to get into the picture.....
The day included a 40 minute walk in the beautiful sunshine, though the air was a bit chilly. (When I can walk 60 minutes and/or 4 miles I will try an "easy" hike with the senior hiking group.) It also included some general planning for the 3 days later this week when Louie and Al will come out to visit.
This has been a good Cinco de Mayo day in the life of Grandma G.
"And God said, 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let the birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky'.....And God saw that it was good. God blessed them.....and there was evening, and there was morning--the fifth day." (Genesis 1: 20-23)
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