hint of a razor clam
Fearless clam hunters.....diggers
freshly caught razor clam.....
A new experience for this former Midwesterner......
my fellow travelers opted for the shops I went walking on the beach.
While walking along I started noticing little mounds of dirt here and there, then round marks in the sand. I followed them quite far up the beach, then saw 3 men and a dog....the dog made me halt for a moment....but fearless Grandma G was caught up in following clues of strange things.....I went right up to one of the fellows and asked what they were doing. I did.....He said they were digging for razor clams. After a few questions I found out that the state of Oregon has seasons when conditions are just right to allow folks to get a license and dig 6 (I think) clams. Little holes in the sand give clue to where they are.....unless the diggers aren't fast enough and the clam scoots off to parts unknown. I am not a clam eater so them there razor clams are safe around me to scoot off and reproduce little baby razor clams...for the diggers to dig some coming year.
Happy selfie.....
almost a complete sand dollar.... school kid art....
the gulls pick out the critter inside...
Seaside "stuff"....
This was a good Seaside, Oregon day in the life of Grandma G.
"Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure." (Genesis 41:49)
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