Green and orange were "in" colors back in my day....
So was this.......Sept. 1977

Debbie, Burt, Angie, Gerry,
Louie, Chuck, Al, Georgia, Bill
Gerry posted this on Face Book for "Throwback Thursday". I don't know where or when TBT started but it is fun to see "old" pictures.
This photo presents a whole chapter of Geolou Schmidt family history.
If you look closely at this 8" by10" picture you will see that it is cut across into 3 pieces....right through the forehead of the little guy in yellow...Chuck. Al, in blue, is older than Chuck. When Al got to go to kindergarten and Chuck didn't, Chuck was mad. He somehow got a pair of scissors and cut this picture into 3 pieces. I don't remember if that was before or after he dumped a box of spaghetti all over the kitchen floor and poked a pin into a soccer ball. I think it was the first time Al got to do something and Chuck didn't get to also.
This photo was taken on the day Bill was baptized. Later that afternoon he and I were in Marshfield hospital 150 miles away. Bill needed emergency surgery for strangulated hernia. That is probably why he does not look happy on the picture. (The doctor in Park Falls scolded me for waiting so long to bring him in. I had taken him the first notice of a "lump in the groin".) In Marshfield hospital the nurses could not get a tiny IV into Bill's arm or leg so he ended up having in his scalp....hard on mom to see. We were there 5 days. When Lou came with the rest of the kids to pick us up, all Debbie
Back to the day of the baptism.....Lou had a terrible toothache (maybe it was a headache). He was on pain killers and was no good for anything getting the kids ready for church, for party in the afternoon and then Bill and my trip by ambulance to Marshfield.
Baby Bill made our family complete. He was the 7th child, born on the 14th day of the 9th month of year 77. The 9th fits there because that is how many are in our family. (In Bible numerology, 7 is the number of completeness.) I'm not necessarily into numerology, but it fits this situation.
Thanks, Gerry, for this "throwback" to Sept, 1977. Not all those memories are fond ones, but they are history.
36 years later.......Oct. 2013 Grand Canyon....
Burt, Chuck, Bill, Debbie, Gerry
Al, Lou, Georgia, Angie
(We all survived.....)
This is a good Throwback Thursday in the life of Grandma G.
"I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." (Psalms 37:25)
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