Friday, December 15, 2017

31 Days of Christmas, Oh Yah!...Part 3

Day 11
     Once again the day dawned sunny and very chilly!  I take that on faith since I am never up to actually witness this.  However, so much sunshine, and chilly, are not common here this time of year. A lady from church, who lived in the Midwest years ago, said it reminded her of Minnesota.....sunny and cold.  To me the difference is the term, "cold", like -20 to -30 F degrees; "chilly" is 25 to 35 F degrees.  
 (GramG Photo...winter in central Wisconsin)

Today, Monday, Dec. 11, was a good day to give my main rooms a
cleaning before hoarder instincts take over.  Somehow counters clutter up with papers and stuff until there is no more space.  It was also time to take down autumn decorations in prep for Christmas ambiance. Grandson Jake stopped by to haul in my tree and decorations.

Dinner was a ham casserole from an old Auntie Em 60 years ago.  I browned the ham and added all the veggies in a large iron skillet that I've had for years.  Rather than dump it all into a
 casserole bowl I decided simply to bake it in the skillet.  Baked just fine and one less dish to wash.  Yummy "comfort food"!!

Reflections of Christmas Past....
      While I was teaching piano in Wisconsin and it was time for them to learn Rudolf, the Red Nosed Reindeer I had to tell them my Rudolf misconception.  When I was probably 7 or 8 years old and would sing about Rudolf and the great things he did and then end the song with, "You'll go down in history" I couldn't figure out why they would treat him that way.  Why should his grade go down in history class? 
Day 12
    Tuesday, Dec. 12, once again I was greeted by sunshine when I got up.  The temperature was quite chilly, 30F, and lower overnight.
But with the promise of a warmer afternoon.  
    A lot of Christmas decorations are scattered, unorganized in the living room. There are several more stashed in  closet.  Jake is coming over tomorrow to dig those out.  There is a particular set of lights I am looking for.
   A few days ago I didn't know if I wanted to decorate, but now I want to Christmas everything....

"I'm shooting down any UFO's and all."

The weather turned mild by noon.  There is a hint of rain in the forecast so I got outside to clean up leaves before they morph into a slimy mess.  They are scattered in the front and back gardens and the side.  
This is the time of year I recite my thankful litany while I clean up neighbors' leaves.
Thank you that the leaves get me outside to enjoy exercise and fresh air while I clean up neighbors'  leaves.
Thank you that the weather is nice enough to get outside to clean up the neighbors' leaves.
                                    Thank you that I am well enough and strong enough to enjoy getting outside to clean up the neighbors' leaves.
                                     Thank you that I am able to live out here in the PNW so I can get outside to enjoy cleaning up the neighbors' leaves. 
                                     Thank you that I have a home surrounded by trees so that I can get outside to enjoy exercise, fresh air and my yard while cleaning up the neighbors' leaves.... 
      I did end up outside for almost 3 hours.  It actually was enjoyable.  
      We all need to be like this hardy purple December blooming petunia.  Defy the odds  whatever they be!!  

 I even got blue and white star lights hung on the deck just in time for the start of Hanukkah.  
  I've been practicing piano a bit this week to play at the club house while folks are waiting for   our park Christmas dinner to be served on Thursday.  I haven't been playing much lately and need to get back to that.

Reflections of Christmas Past...
        As a child when living with my Aunt Emma all of December was cookie baking season.  We baked so many cookies and so many kinds that they were stored in every available container and freezer filled wit them.  I think she gave most of them away.  I still have many of her recipes.  When my children were at home we baked lots of cookies also.  

Day 13
     Time for a luncheon out with the ladies.

 Christmas tea at Myrtle's Tea House....

See the little stack of quarters?  It was MY turn to win them by the waitress picking my number, 9! I won 10, not counting my own. We all put in a quarter and then have the waitress pick a number, except #7. Guess that number is too easy to pick...

Cheesy, veggie soup and assortment of finger sandwiches. 
Dainty desserts and 

7 tea pots of various flavored teas....filled several times.

Back home it was time to write out 19 grandkid Christmas cards. 

There was a 4. earthquake not far from here, but no damage and we didn't feel anything here in VC.

Then finish off the day watching the Muppets, Most Wanted while doing some stretches.

Reflections of Christmas Past....
Because some Christmas occasions are bitter sweet.  Burt had signed up for the National Guard and was to be finished with basic training around Thanksgiving.  He was, but also was called up to be part of Desert Storm in 1991.  I think he was home shortly after Thanksgiving.   I don't remember if we had an early Christmas that year, but he had to report back to base a couple days after Christmas.  We were sad and concerned, but the time together was peaceful. 
He did return home several months later without having been injured.  (The rest of the story: Debbie talked Burt into joining the Guards.  She said to Burt, "Nothing ever happens and you get school money".  She also got a bonus for getting someone to enlist. They were in the same unit.  When Desert Storm happened she was pregnant and didn't have to go, but Burt did.)
Day 14
     Today, Thursday, Dec 14, we held our Christmas dinner here in the park.  I had fun playing songs for awhile before the meal was ready.
I took a plate of deviled eggs.... 

But I had a dinner to delight any elf....
just kidding, that was dessert.....
I had enjoyable visits with a few ladies I haven't seen for a bit.

Reflections of Christmas Past...
    Last New Year's weekend some of my grandkids had  an Elf dinner of the 4 main food groups....
candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup.....on spaghetti...


Day 15....
  A falalala folly.....

Friday morning I hurried to write out a few cards to friends so I could get them in the mail.  I had a chiropractor appointment at 11:30.  I was alarmed how nervous it made me to be under a bit of pressure.....just to write out some cards...hmmm....
    That all went well.  Next was a trip to Fred Myers for various items.  I noticed a sign stating 50% off of sale prices on all things Christmas, including candy!  Yay!  Good, caloric fortune!!  I loaded up my cart and had it all planned how to save another $13.  At the check-out I watched the register to make sure 1/2 price was showing up.  It wasn't!  I tried to explain to the clerk and she tried to explain back to me, but nothing was helping.  I then hurried to check the gray signs hanging all over.  And,  well,  it stated, "with digital coupon". much for not reading completely.  The clerk was quite patient as I unloaded a half of cart of stuff.  There went the additional $13 off of what I did buy.  It was back home to download the craved digital coupon, good for 2 more days.  Good luck tomorrow!!  Will she or won't she go back to reload her cart??  The End....

     Angie and little dog, Gracie, came over later in the day to help me decorate my tree and to have a sleep over. 

I have a tree topper that's been in the family for years.  She has a porcelain head and a flowing white dress and wings.  She used to smoke, but is better behaved these later years.  She used to light up from an undergarment of plastic and a ring of small lights.  She goes without now.  The plastic slip is brittle, stained with burn marks from the lights.  She also used to hold a light in her left hand, very close to her mouth.  She probably took a few puffs of her cigarette  throughout the night when no one was watching.

Now she watches over us, stately, without being lit up....

Gracie has claimed the setting as her own personal holiday retreat.....

Angie and I finished off the evening with juicy burgers at Red Robin.

And watching Wonder Woman. After making a stop at Red Box and a candy run.....

Reflections of Christmas Past....
   My brother, Nick, who is one year younger than me, and passed away two years ago would bring us a 3 lb box of chocolates and a huge length of summer sausage every Christmas Eve.  I never made the connection with his name until right now.

This has been a good 5 Christmas days in the life of Grandma G.

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful  Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end."
(Isaiah 9:6 & 7)

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