Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Vancouver Connection....

The month of June has more than flown by, it has broken the sound barrier!!  Each year I think that particular year has passed fast and the next year is always faster. Soon my years will be 6 months long....
This week I enjoyed summer in my little backyard garden. There is a large "lipstick" plant that has a resident humming bird.  I was snapping pictures of him and he came to hover by me for a couple minutes....later I caught a photo of a butterfly trying out an artificial tree.  (I have only one "not natural" plant in my yard....left over from last winter.)  Here is a lavender plant overflowing  from my neighbor's yard and the patio view from my window.  

Wednesday was pizza night with the Vancouver/Gresham Miller clan.....

Thursday featured lunch out with 11 Red Hat Mamas and 1 James.....
Gram G went shopping for a stouthearted man.  Found One!!

With the warm, sunny weather the weeds made a second appearance. Time for another round of vinegar/Epsom salts/ dish soap weed annihilator.  Works great.  Fun to spray....

Summer is not complete without at least one trip to the weekend Vancouver Farmers' Market....

drum duet featuring plastic bucket drum

LOTS of fresh veggies


clown and facepainting

Take care of that beard!!

Thai iced tea and chicken/nooles

Parrot on your shoulder?

Lizard on your shoulder?

Better than a chip on your shoulder!!

Friend Zeek
3 generations...
Gram G, daughter Debbie
granddaughter Micaela

A Doctor Suess tree....

Gram G rose....

Larry Lizard came visiting on 4th of July.  I decided I would hold him and pet him.  OK.   Then someone put him on my shoulder. I was brave and friendly.....until he started climbing onto my neck and I couldn't see him.   FEEL him I did.  Larry Lizard was turning into a vampire lizard.  Time to get him off of me.  Please....The End

This has been a good 12 Vancouver Connection days in the life of Grandma G.

"Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds."  (Psalm 148: 7-10)

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