Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November Fun


This time of year seasons/holidays quickly morph one into the next.  After returning to VC from Indianapolis I enjoyed PNW autumn!

A little October 30 fun...going for a walk around the neighborhood

the giant LOTR SPIDER

A tiny slithering snake       

Brilliant red/orange leaves


A black cat I have never seen in the park before

A Blue Hunter's Moon
A cozy fire with LOTR trilogy...

to entertain the extra hour of the time change...


On a rainy Nov. 2 night Zach and I went on a hunt for pumpkins.  I didn't buy any before Halloween and they seem to evaporate the next day... After a 4 store hunt we found these 2 large ones, abandoned in a huge cardboard bin outside a store.  They were still worth money to the store, 

All for the sake of....
PUMPKIN SEEDS!  Tasty when roasted...


A few days later great granddaughter Rosie came to visit a couple days. We had found a bunch of cheap pumpkins from a small farm so had a decorating party!   AND  roasted pumpkin seeds!!

A next day quick noon indoor picnic with Grandma Deb and Auntie Micaela
And a bungee ride at the local mall...
It's always fun to walk along the VC waterfront even on a chilly evening in between rains...
Zach had the time available so invited me for an excursion...

checking out the sights and sounds under the I-5 bridge crossing the Columbia River

A little autumn beauty....

I've never eaten at Who-Song and Larry's. Now's a good time to check it out...Zach is happy...so is Gram.


What does one do with bits of potatoes, celery, onion, garlic and bacon when one is leaving home soon?  What?
Leaving again? 
How about a pot of potato soup! Yum!
But can't leave before a lovely Thanksgiving lunch with friend Megan!


This has been a good 2 GeoGram weeks in the life of Grandma G.

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded on the seas and established it on the waters."  (Psalm 24:1)

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